Princess Joledo-Ayomah Congratulates Buhari on Re-election

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Dear Mr. President,

Allow me to join in congratulating you on your re-election as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I sincerely wish you, Sir every success and strength in continuing to perform the important duties of this position.

The trust placed in you for the second time by Nigerians will undoubtedly be a source of great inspiration to continue the work started in building up the well-being and unity of our country and its people, and maintaining the security of our nation.

I strongly hope that the votes by the majority of Nigerians that ensured this victory will further reinforce the ultimate goal of creating a greater and better Nigeria for us all.

May I again offer my congratulations on your victory in the presidential election. Please accept, Mr. President, my best wishes and the assurances of my highest consideration.

Princess Olayemi Joledo-Ayomah
Princess of Mopaland,
Member, APC Aspirants Forum

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