Preserve Our History, Ensure Full Documentary of Ata Igala Coronation – Ojuju Agbadufu

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Press Statement.

The Council of Ojuju Agbadufu Igala calls on all Igala Sons and Daughters, especially the young people, to come out in their numbers to participate in the coronation process of Aidoko Anya ( Toodo) the Ata Igala designate.

1. A people is lost when culture is lost and culture can easily be lost when there is no participation, so we urge the youths and the people generally to participate. 

2. It is a privilege that our generation is witnessing this historic coronation of an Ata and so we should grab this with every sense of commitment.

3. The movement of Aidokoanya to Ugwolawo starts from Lokoja on Monday the 8th of November 2021. Youth and community leaders along the route down to Ugwolawo are urged to mobilise their people to fully show solidarity by joining the procession.

4. We urge our people, particularly the youths to exhibit a high sense of maturity and decorum through out the event.

5.  We urge full documentary of the process to help preserve our history.

Comrade Maji Isah
Clerk of Council

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