POEM: From Chibok to Kankara

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“Bring back our girls”
Was as loud as the trumpet sound
Aged cry in pains
As they suddenly become widows
With no saviour to call helper
The nation weeps!

Days after days
Weeks after weeks
Months after months
We’re told to ‘calm down’
That our girls are coming
Hope dashed in pieces
The nation weeps!

Chibok girls’ freedom
A dream that never come true
Parents waiting like dogs anticipating for bones
Oh! Who will bring us the saviour?
A chorus becoming melodies in their broken hearts
The nation weeps!

“Bring back our boys”
Kankara bleeds
As men of the street
Stormed Katsina like the coming of the son of man
“Help us!!!”
Students cry for safety
But no saviour in sight
The nation weeps!

Tell our unborn children
We had a beast of no nation
A country that’s never home for all
Where boys and girls are missing
In the guise of bulls and heifers eating
Alas! We’ll remember we had no shelter.  

– The poet, Arogbonlo Israel, is dedicating this poem to all the victims of kidnapping (both past and present) in the country.

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