PIBCID, NWTF Calls for More Awareness on VAPP Law in Kogi

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The Participation Initiative for Behavioural Change in Development (PIBCID) and Nigeria Women Trust Fund, (NWTF) has called for more awareness on the Violence Against Person Prohibition (VAPP) law in Kogi State for effective implementation.

The organizations who decried the level of awareness on VAPP law in the State disclosed that had began recruitment of foot Soldiers that would sensitize the people on the law.

Speaking on Tuesday at a capacity building training for critical stakeholders and the public on the Kogi State VAPP law, the Executive Director of PIBCID, Rachael Akande identified funding as one of the challenges facing the implementation of the law in Kogi State.

She noted that over 80 percent of the population in Kogi State has little or no knowledge of the VAPP law.

Akande, who disclosed that the capacity training was organized in collaboration with the Kogi State office of the Public Defender and Citizens Rights Commission (PDCRC) said “a lot of people are still not aware of the VAPP law. This law has been in existence since 2022. A lot of people in their various homes, offices, communities still face issues around Gender Based Violence and they don’t know who to talk or report to.

“They don’t know the relevant institutions or organization that could help to champion the course of getting justice when they are abuse or their rights are violated.”

She described GBV cases as a serious issues that should not be handled with levity. “We should see it as our responsibility where ever we found ourselves. We should see issues around GBV to be very serious. We should not throw our faces off it thinking that is not our relatives, or it doesn’t concern me.
We are looking for more individuals that will champion the course of Gender Based Violence in Kogi State because it has become a serious issue as a result of it high previlence.

“It is everybody responsibility and we should treat it urgently either in our neighborhood, offices, religious centres, communities and many more. When people see that there are alot of foot soldiers fighting GBV, it will be curb in Kogi State and Nigeria in general”she stated.

In his remarks, the Director General of PDCRC, Musa Onogo Idris explained that the agency has been embarking on aggressive campaign across the three Senatorial district on the VAPP law in Kogi State

He opined that the agency has achievement much in the implementation of the VAPP law in Kogi State.

“Many people have been arrested. Survivors who do not have a means to hire a lawyer, they approached us, and we went there. We have gotten judgement in so many court in Kogi State. People are now enjoying the VAPP law. People are coming out to speak on Gender Based Violence. All those that were not recognize before that as an offence, VAPP law has been able to make provision for it and we are there to carry it on,” he added.

While appraising the provision of the Kogi State VAPP law, 2022, the Deputy Director, PDCRC/ VAPP Coordinator Emmanuel Ibenu Esq. submitted that, “the coming into operation of this Law is timely and has helped us as a Commission to redirect several parties in marital union or relationship.

“Through the day to day application of this Law several disintegrated, shattered and scattered families have been reunited. It is pivotal to state that there are bad people everywhere. The existence of a law is the reason for some people behaving as nice people all around.

“Several victims of domestic violence have been offered protection and intervention, we have the record. We have been able to creates awareness on the privileges and the rights of victims. The Commission has also help in the restoration of hope and peace to families through the activities of VAPP law. Cases of abandonment and forceful isolation are on the decrease through the activities of VAPP.”

It could be recalled that the Violence against persons (prohibition) act (VAPP ACT) came into force on the 28th of May, 2015.

It was Domesticated in Kogi State as Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Law on the 22nd of June 2022. According to report, 34 States domesticated the VAPP ACT as at Nov. 2022.

The main aim of the law Is to eliminate violence in both private and public life, prohibit all forms of violence against persons to provide maximum protection and effective remedies for victims and punishment of offenders and other related matters.

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