Opinion: Theory on Coronavirus

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Last week on CNN, during a White House briefing, Donald Trump called Coronavirus, “Chinese Virus”- the room got angry. He kept repeating it without remorse.

I was first angry, then I started thinking again.

Come with me.

I have been analyzing the global trends since this virus started. Wuhan District is home of the virus which permeated the world. It has crippled many economies. Chiefly, global crude prices that brings forex to many countries is in an all time low. Worse off what we have during global recessions. I don’t think any Economist saw this coming.

Point 1: Wolrd Economies.

Also, the virus has driven fear into the world with many countries knowing how ordinary they are when globalization is taken out of the context. When everyone begins to rely on what they have. The true test of our collective social connection, Governmental strength, military compactedness, medical system and economic strength has been on constant test. In Nigeria,  Africa we know the story.

But how can a virus like this catch giant economies of the world with high calibre technologies,  innovators and wizardly military equipment off guard? It has to be only one thing- a biologically transferred enemy. Which leads me to point 2.

Point 2: Biological weapon

Have you noticed that the mortality rate is relatively low compared to the contraction ratio? Why? It means it is still into testing stage or probably designed to arrest certain statistic of the population or drive fear into us. It is why they changed it from “epidemic to pandemic”.

Whilst other countries are still fighting off the virus. It is ensured that the Aegean stables of many worlds are touched. The highs. Those attention are on and so forth. 

Besides that, China who introduced the virus does not have the mortality rate Italy who distributed it to other parts of the world, has. China is scantily above 5%.

Here is the joker..

World economies have shut down right? 

China is reopening her many of her provinces for economic stimulation after announcing that they have contained the virus.

If the argument is that Italy has a relatively old population, which accounts for the high mortality, what about China too that has the highest longevity in the world with an over 1.5B people only after India that has about 1.3B? 
Were those who died in China also old people? Oh, of course, they contained the virus so quickly because they have a communist and relatively undemocratic country right? But that is how war is fought. In war, there’s no human rights or democracy.  They have always been prepared. China has the fastest emergency response system in the world. They can build hospitals in two days on a 24 hour- built skyscraper of 25 floors. 

Don’t forget, as China is opening up her economy whilst other nations are even thinking of effecting gradual shutdown, which has led to a post global recession and inflation in many countries already,  China is immune to this. Consequently by implication,  it means China would overtake by 200,000 Kilometers in Economic strength if we go head to head with other nations when this pandemic is relatively over. 

How, right? 

China operates an economic principle of “indigenization”, which means, they depend on local stimulus of both goods, people and materials. They have enough population of 1.5B people to make that happen. China does not have to depend on the world. They export only what they dont need. They localize every production and have competitive advantage. Think of Apple that moved to China due to cheap labour and other things that led to the trade war between the two foremost world powers: USA vs China.

I hope I have not lost you?

Yesterday, on CNN, even as Americans grapple with the pandemic, with vaccines announced to take about 12 months before availability,  Donald Trump has announced partial opening of America by April 12th. What could be his reason,  to measure up with the Chinese economy without the American economy shutting down flat. 

Today, CNN announced that American Lawmakers have pledged $2 trillion dollars to bail out workers who might have  been affected by the shutdown and attendant job losses. Where did the money come from? Their Federal reserve. Which means, there is a depletion.  The more your country bails you out, the more you become broke. In Nigeria,  we measure this by Excess Crude Account balance or Foreign Reserve which determines the strength of our Naira. 

So for a country like China that spells capital punishment of death for corrupt officials,  what would it take them to kill their own citizens, say 10,000 just to strengthen another 1.5B? 

Do you know Dean Koonz? He joked about it in one of his books, find it. He called it the Wuhan 400 Virus. 

You want to call me a Conspiracy Theorist? I agree. Power is a high tech conspiracy.  I am a student of power. 

Least I forget, this virus would not kill too many people,  it is not perfect yet. They only showed the world what they could do without a nuclear weapon and keep all of us vulnerable,  helpless and hopelessly vulnerable. 

On the lighter part,  are we not all together in this in Nigeria? Even if rich people get better attention in Lagos and Gwagwalada, everyone would use the respirator we purchased long ago. Certainly,  Nigeria would never remain the same. This should correct the system. They ought to know that you can steal and still put critical health infrastructure on ground. 

On Coronavirus,  sorry, Chinese virus, sorry, Coronavirus,  we are all equal. 
This is just a theory. 

– Promise Emmanuel (Kogi Rebel) writes from Lokoja.

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