Opinion: Teenage Pregnancy, A Hindrance That Requires Collective Fights

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I bring you Sunday and Sallah greetings from my table. Having done with my birthday sabbatical and bounced back fully with some more heart-trembling cum breathtaking articles for my lovely readers.
I have decided to reawaken your interest of reading with the unending seemingly insurmountable teenage pregnancy that keeps increasing geometrically. This is an issue that has been extensively discussed on different media platforms but there seems not to be any better ways of curtailing it.
Of course, I know you are not bereaved of the causes and negative effects of this canker that is deeply eaten into our society but I will like to painstakingly and properly press home my points of observation regarding this never-ending societal impediments for your perusal and suggestions. But before I do so, let me make it pellucidly clear to you that you and I can never be left out of the hook as far as teenage pregnancy continue to raise its ugly head while we are still alive.
What leads to teenage pregnancy? First and foremost, poverty is usually considered the major cause but the question one keep asking is what about the girls who come from a well to do family and also find themselves in that shoes? Well, continue read as the article unfolds and clear all worries and doubts. Of course poverty is a major contributory factor to teenage pregnancy to some extent. Yes. It depends on the location you find yourself that determines the major contributory factor. Factually speaking, we all no that girls in general have myriad of needs to meet. These includes: nice dresses, pomade, sweet scented super fabulous perfume, soap, pads, necklace, rings just to mention a few. Most of the girls fall victims of this canker because they cannot delay their immediate gratification. Their insatiable quest and ever-growing appetite for immediate gratification usually push them into the hands of either their male co-equals or some unscrupulous and irresponsible men who are old enough to grandfather some of these girls; for the sake of lust, they make the rest of their senses blind or dead so that they act without any modicum of shame. In fact, this is an act that no right thinking person will ever do.
Also, poor parenting is another excruciating contributory factor. The little research I did indicate that most of the girls who become pregnant at their teen age, have one of their parents went through similar situation. I advanced this point because teenagers are deficient in taking mature resolute decisions hence are unable to properly care for their children. These children are left to their fate and the mercy of the environment.
I know someone will ask why some girls still become pregnant albeit the parents provide them with all their needs? This question draws our attention to the almighty peer pressure. This has been an insurmountable driving force that keep disgracing parents after they work assiduously to meet if not all but most of their children’s needs.
Ladies and gentlemen, let me place it on record that single parenthood is currently the highest contributor to teenage pregnancy in Kogi state and Nigeria at large. You can choose to disagree with me but that is the reality on ground. I am of no doubt that you will unequivocally concur with me that young men with so much youthful exuberance and vigour die daily leaving their wives, most of whom are unemployed. How do these young widows take proper care of these children? You now agreed with me why said so?
Last but not least, technology cannot be left out in the deliberation of this topic. Most Kogites and Nigerians generally largely opt for the negative aspect of every new development that the white man invents. Technology is no exception. The proliferation of smart phones has made it easier for even children to watch pornography films and other uncharitable movies. You and I know that teenagers are adventurous hence they try experimenting whatever they see. This usually result in their uncontrollable growing appetite to perform the act itself.
The above notwithstanding, it compel me to state that a lot has not been done to remedy this canker. Below are some suggested solutions. Firstly, I suggest that we reduce our birth rate to three as advocated by a member in the population census department within this week so that we can properly care for our them.
I can still recall the kind of discipline that prevailed in those days when every child was a child of any parent or elder in the community. That is we must be each others keepers. I therefore think that it will be judicious we discard some of the child’s rights in order to instill discipline in the contemporary society children.
Perpetrators of this obnoxious act who are not able to carter for the victims and her baby’s upkeep should always be made to face the full wrath of the law, so as to instill fear in order.
© Godwin Jibrin Bakwo 

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