Opinion: Shiru and The Burden of Being the People’s Favourite

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Gongs of words and the flutes of interests of the many aspirant in Lokoja  and Kogi state have sounded. The homilies of interest and counter interest are preached repeatedly everyday. Tautness is building up by the day like the North Korea and South Korea hunt for war, the impertinent Kim who will kiss the dust just like a fellow bantan. Or like Sadam Hussein of Iraq who swore to turn the United State of America to garbage in seconds did. In all these, the professional politicians are burning the nights strategizing both by physical combatant and metaphysics Kandaha.
Those who believe in the goodwill of the people to gain mandate are few. Some of the council aspirant who wants to be elected are giving termites to the constituents in form of kind gestures. Sadly, they never have the people’s plight as their passion for service. Those who once served and are worthy of repeating their thrones or promoted to higher pedestals are fast becoming the song of the people. Expectedly, chauvinists have set in to prevent them from achieving their goals, acerbically they are blackmailing them, painting their whites robes with demonic pseudo from the grave of Osama Bin Laden.
Some of these image assailants are grave diggers in their character as individuals but prophesy holiness in Latin of good attributes. In Lokoja local government, a lot of politicians and crusaders are making it look like a looming genocide, preaching it from all altars of Baal and God, talking with their tongues sounding like bombastic missiles.
Lokoja people have realized that they don’t just need a leader but a man who has the professionalism to steer the affair of the local government with great policies and visions that will reform and transform their lives for the better.
Little wonder why they have adopted Shiru Lawal as their key choice who has the potentials that could drive such proactive measures. Hon Shiru Lawal from his usual speeches is a man with a passion and commitment to lead Lokoja local government from this present economical and underdevelopment spark to higher heights. Commitment is the connection between our values, intentions and our actions. Connection is the coming together of more than one element, while commitment is the giving of ourselves to it, the surrender.
The connections we make generate our commitments, just as our commitments generate more profound connections. Passion is the essence of commitment. Passion is that which deeply stirs us. It is the fire from within and that which motivates us. When passion is missing, our actions lack meaning and we don’t get the results we want. Without passion, our actions are obligatory and lack velocity.
Commitment emanates from passion — passion is the seed from which commitment blossoms. That is why Shiru with commitment and passion for service will be able to sustain and increase the uncommonly transformed Lokoja in the new direction way. Commitment is persistence.
If one is committed, one’s support is uncompromising and unending. One is willing to do anything in support of the commitment. This applies to love as much as it applies to professional or global commitments. Commitment drives us and anchors us during challenging times.
Commitment helps us to maintain our integrity; we persist to that which we’re committed and it provokes us to good works. Shiru as a man with great vision of making the local government an haven of empowerment and skills acquisition with an increase in the Internal generated revenue IGR. Vision brings forth our commitment. Does commitment generate the envisioned process, or does vision generate commitment? Either way, commitment and vision are inexplicably tied together.
Expand your vision while you deepen your commitment in order to produce powerful results and Shiru l’s commitment is to better the lot of his people, that he empowers them through empowering women and youths, as Commitment communes with communication. Communication involves verbal and non-verbal interaction. While commitment lives in the declaration and words. Evidence of commitment lives in the actions we take and do not take. Be attentive for evidence of commitment in communication. Commitment is the giving of ourselves to what we most believe and want. It is the merging of our ideals and our being. We surrender to our ideals with commitment, and live them.
We create what we want when we surrender to our commitment. With this sincerity of purpose he has become the darling of the people and his fame has made others to see him as their only target for maligning and defamation.
Hon Shiru Lawal’s role model is integrity and by being honest and doing what is right no matter the circumstances. Integrity is your willingness to do what is right even when you may not receive personal gain from it. Shiru has put aside his personal agenda, and left his prestigious job to serve his people. It’s putting your own personal agenda aside for the greater good of the people and the people that makes a good leader. Good leaders know that people need a leader who has integrity.
Without it, people are missing a vital ingredient in their ability to perform and these vitamins that Hon Shiru is bestowed with as his leadership style. It pays with great reward to his political elevation, Uncommon zeal, determination and pragmatic ways with which administrator Shiru lawal has handled the administration of the local government since assumption of office.
He is putting the people first in the scheme of things and provides them with reasons to better good life. He is down to earth and polite to all and sundry without drawing class of lines or ethnic segregation. Over and done with proper harnessing and coordination of the activities of the council area, Hon Shiru as the manager of the local government day to day administration has recorded incredible attainment in various subdivisions.
Back to 2018-2019, some crop of political bandits always make us believe we are primitive in thinking and sycophantic in feats because we don’t share in their interest and unhallowed war against people of integrity.
They are against experienced candidates, all because an experienced personality like Shiru Lawal will spell doom for them, as they will not be able to skit their fraudulent proposals.
Leaders we want in Lokoja today are men who are experienced in governance, not men who are novice whose only ambition is to go and make money not working to improve the the local government and also uplift the standard of living of their people.
Truly, Shiru has what it takes, which can impact on his government and the people of Lokoja at large. Most people who are conveying negative rumours that he cannot fit into leadership positions should desist from it because it is managers of his mould and reputation that have always become great leaders. So by all standards, Shiru is qualified to transcend from a great manager to become a great leader.
The fears by some sectors of the political class that he is a bully and never a generous fellow are all fallacies aimed at destroying his image before the populace. Shiru is a man with great, generous traits who has developed a lot of people, taking them from ruins to reign, from depending on others to becoming self-sufficient.
Shiru has made himself a superior brand and good product, not hard to sell, it sells itself. Lokoja people have chosen this best brand that they have in person of Shiru, to be their chairman come 2018-2019.
A good reputation is earned, not bought.
– Mubaraq Yasmin

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