If in a democratic nation a citizen can’t express freely of the wrongs and inappropriate ruling by the government considering the fact he could be hunted for speaking the truth, then i must say Democracy has been geared to a different definition and of course nothing will never get better but go from bad to worst but if on the contrary his points are strict and emphatic and could be looked into by the committees or bodies that made up the government with promptness, then the government is best known and believed to be a government of the people and for the people.
I’m not by any means trying to by-name an “Activist” but having a bigger picture how things could be better for every Nigerian.
I don’t have to be a politician before initiating positivity in the realm, deflating every high cost of goods like cement, rice, zinc, fuel to mention but a few.
A situation whereby a bag of cement is sold for #750, A bag of foreign rice sold for #5,500, a liter of fuel for #65 and a bundle of zinc for #1,300 what kind of government do you think has surfaced? (“Government Of The People, By The People And For The People”)
For how long will prostitution continue to stain the walls of this country when some of the victims are graduates and hope to survive via selling off their pride, integrity and destiny?
For how long will abduction/robbery continue when the abductors and terrorists have been denied the chance of unveiling their true potentials having gone through the eye of a needle from their various institutions?
The Nigeria we crave and look forward to seeing is that Nigeria where motorists/cyclists will get to a fuel station and serve themselves, paying with their ATM cards..
The Nigeria we have always fantasized about is that Nigeria where the less privileged are housed in a given location state by state.
At about 75% of taxi drivers/cyclists in various cities today, are graduates with better qualifications but the country has deprived and condescended them to becoming job hunters, hawkers and peddlers.
The scourge of mass unemployment in this country is becoming too rampant and is really creating maniacs, psychopaths and many more.
How can Nigeria be better when all they are good at is making empty promises and pushing the masses fund into their private bank accounts in Switzerland, Tokyo, Germany, France and Tunisia.
According to the blessed memory “The Late Chief Obafemi Awolowo before his transition to great beyond in the 1980s and i quote; “The Man that will rule Nigeria is yet unborn” and as a matter of fact, his words are true from what we are experiencing today.
Make Nigeria a better country by building up something useful and efficient.
– Ebiloma Nuhu Eneojo