Opinion: Much Ado About the Igala Cultural Festival

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A festival of culture surely comes with a message, a message that will reshape or redesign some cultural views and values over time, of a particular race. So if a people are anticipating a cultural festival or revival, it should be such that, they have a very strong clear  cultural message to pass to her people, such that some practices would be  acknowledged or expunged in line with the norms and values of the tradition of the people.
The program held on 26th at the KSU stadium from all indications was a complete announcement of personalities, and show off of who is who based on the weight of their pockets.
I was on ground from the beginning to the end, there was no clear MESSAGE from the Organisers. The speech of the organiser, Mr Hillary Amodu was a complete praise on Dangote, as well as one or two other personalities, that’s all. It then means people just gathered on that day to be told of how weighty some personalities are and how less others are, may be that will spur others to strive and dole out more cash in likely future occasions.
Based on prevailing societal evolutions, it’s not out of place for people to gather, discuss and as well chart a new course but that I think should be done with all sincerity of purpose.
Before I’m misunderstood, let me state clearly here that I’m not condemning the whole efforts of pulling the Igalas together that day, the turn out was massive, that shows that our people really yearn for a gathering like that. All I’m saying is that, if we are  able to gather, we should be able to leave a clear message of cultural and all spheres ONENESS, that’s non negotiable UNITY of the Igala race in the mind of those teeming population present. But quiet unfortunate, there is no message at all.
Now it means, from maiden meeting, the festival roll into extinction?
There should have been a draft Communique or resolutions  expected to  have been communicated to the people, rather it was  eulogies all through.
I think the Organizers need to do an appraisal and make amend where necessary, that’s if they intend to push further continually.
– Ahmed Suleiman MAS

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