Opinion: Jeopardizing The Future of KSU Students

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It is a pity and annoying on the rate at which the destiny of Kogi State University (KSU) students are been jeopardized by both government and ASUU in kogi state.

The rate at which this school always embarked on strike due to the fact that either the government is not living up to expectation or due to selfishness on the part of ASUU is bothering issue that can only be solved by both parties.

My perception towards KSU has changed to the extent that I won’t advice my enemies to seek admission into KSU. It is only in KSU that you have to wait for extra one year before you start school after you have been given admission. It is in this same KSU that you will waste another one year at home after you finish before you will be mobilized for NYSC.  This means that for any four years course in KSU, be ready to spend additional three years hence seven years will be wasted for four years course.

Only God knows how many years that will be wasted for courses like medicine and surgery, law and other five to six years course in the institution. I hitherto don’t believed that this administration don’t mean well for the student because of the educational background of the governor but the recent development about the proscription of ASUU KSU chapter has thrown everything on the tray.

I believe the recent development is a pointer for both parties to see reason they should come to a resolution especially for the sake of our children that are wandering about the street doing nothing. Both parties should drop their ego and personality and forget about who will win in the cause of the struggle. They should should see it as a case of “no Victor no Vanquished” – all about reconciliation and rehabilitation.

I am appealing to both parties to come to negotiation table with an optimism that all will be well in KSU and in Kogi state at large.

James Gift Arome

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