Opinion: If They Made It, You Can Make It With Determination and Hardwork

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I have countlessly opposed myself from writing about self but the irresistible temptation has forcefully compelled me to do this, to serve as encouragement and motivation to those who may be swimming in the ocean of depression and frustration, especially the poor younger generation of youths who unrepentantly aspire to create a different accommodative world for themselves and society. It is therefore relevant for me to touch narrowly on the bitterness in nursing a coconut tree in a stony savanna land. It is meant for my readers to reflect, do self introspective analysis of the most challenging thing called “LIFE” and motivate ourselves as a younger generation never to give up easily.
First and foremost, I have been reading a lot of articles on the media outlets and the papers for quite a while and it does appear to be an addiction to me. I decided to venture into the writing fraternity of the ink where the PEN is more mightier than the sword. It is all about joy writing my piece always though such piece may not be of standard fashion when compared with the write-ups of the numerous experienced writers out there, I do see significant improvement. Indeed, “practice makes perfection”. There are instances you will be insulted by people for poor grammatical composition and show of political bias in writings. The worse forms are when some readers invoke curses and other instances threatening you in various degrees when your pen either exposes them or go contrary to their interest. In fact, it is very fearful sometimes but it is very expectant in a very polarized society like ours. Do not relent!
Majority of us, the youth always sit aloof and complain of not having resources, exposure and support to demonstrate the God-gifting talents and achieve our dreams. That has negatively affected many of us as our situation is greeted with immeasurable frustration.
I believe that most young ones have given up because of their inability to meet the increasing cost of education. That is a very pathetic situation for the poor young generation. Indeed, wealthy families are able to give quality lives to their children though poverty remains a cankerous situation in Africa continent. With the little chance, we the poor must take our lanes and compete in the race. Be challenged my siblings.
Another key to realizing our potential is patience, I have learnt to always exercise patience to some extent and accept that I cannot have it on a silver platter. You may go through disappointment by friends and relatives but never let your dream disappoint you. Put your dream to test and let endurance and determination lead you to that destination you so much desire. It could be extremely challenging though.
Never and ever accept intimidation and frustration but act according to your time. Don’t give up in your first attempt but keep trying. I have been trying to be a spectacular writer with effective analysis skills and still cannot tell where I have reached now but I continue to learn from others who do better in that area. Forget of the name calling and mockery behind the scenes.
There is another bitter thing which is, to over rely on people. I believe in widening my social spheres but not depending much on people I come across. We live in a society where we depend so much on politicians and well to do family members and that has always birth disappointment and frustration. I simply encourage independence. I have depended on numerous people to help me carve a niche in life endeavors but the results is often very disappointing. I have come to the realization that I will demonstrate my talent at the corner of my room.
I urge people in such pathetic situation, to remain focus and resilient. Let’s reaffirm our unflinching commitment to realizing our dreams.
Do not be discouraged, let’s keep pushing, we shall get to our desirable point at the appointed time.
– Godwin Jibrin Bakwo

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