Opinion: I Have No Patience or Sympathy for Aspirants Who Prioritize Ambition Over People’s Welfare

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Donald Trump, the president of America wrote and i quote “I have embraced crying mothers who have lost their children because our politicians put their personal agenda before the national good. I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence, no sympathy for leaders who fail their citizens”
Ladies and gentlemen, serving leaders and aspirants, especially across Kogi Central  and Kogi at large I bring greetings from the Assembly of Citizens of Kogi State (ACKS) across the nation and diaspora. Before National Assembly, there was and is General Assembly whose chamber is not located here on earth but in heaven and super-headed by the master (God) Himself. In His government truth is sacrosanct and must not be traded for gold and silver talk more of a morsel of porridge.
If you have not read the part 1 please do so and share with your friends and families. Our youths are not dummy or robot, we deserve better life and dignity.
I am just a vessel made ready for such a time as this to convey the message to the general public and for the consumption of those who truly desire for peace in our state and the nation Nigeria at large. So therefore, I beseech you to give me your maximum attention as I speak to your conscience as we approach 2019 general elections.
This young lad was born on the 27 August 1991 with a hope full of dreams, rejoicing and celebrating her freedom with positive expectation that by now she should have reached the pinnacle of her goals and fulfill her prophetic destiny. But today, you and I can see the state of this young beautiful and brilliant girl, how she have been raped, abused and still abusing, and left naked for all manner of social ills, inflicted with all kinds of diseases, corruption, religious animosity, ethnocentric chauvinism, assassination, kidnapping and thuggery  without hope of recovering.
I understood money and corruption are ruining the land, crooked politicians betray the working man (Civil servants) pocketing their profits and treating them like sheep without shepherd,  recruiting and brain washing our future leaders, the destiny of a nation (youths) with unrealistic promises and encouraging them with token to cause commotion or kill  just to pave way for their selfish ambitions. I say to such leaders today, we are tired of hearing promises that will never see the light of the day.
Emmanuel Macron wrote and I quote, “When politics is no longer a mission but a profession, politicians become more self-serving than public servants.”
Professional politicians are the problem facing our society, they have no other means of livelihood, the are full time politicians, so they rather take it by crook or hook even if it will cost a life. They are ever learning leaders but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth
Ladies and gentlemen, To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that my people will not longer be blind folded by politicians. But be liberated with truth undiluted and usher them the right atmosphere where they can civilly, legally and morally contribute their own quotas inline with the principle of democracy to usher in good governance in our life(s) time
If you cannot assemble your followers and give them orientation and implore them to shun violence and politics of bitterness then you are not worthy to be a leader, you are selfish and desperate and no matter how you package yourself to deceive the people time and season will expose you.
Obafemi Awolowo, a selfless leader and a panoramic leader wrote…”the rich and the highly placed are running a dreadful risk in their callous neglect of the poor and the downtrodden.”
I charge every aspirants, to issue a warning statement to their supporters by discouraging them from political madness as we approach 2019 election. What happen if the people you seek to govern have succeeded in killing themselves along the process? who then will  you now serve? Truth I tell you, our progress as a people will be hindered if we continue placing priority on election and ambition than the security and welfare of the people …speak out now and stop encouraging such system by your body language.
I begin to wonder, what stop politicians to organize a rally, and invite all their supporter for orientation on how to shun crisis/violence and thuggery in day like this? why are all the aspirants silent over this ugly menace but spent millions of naira holding campaign rallies and congresses that will eventually cost the life our youths.
Donna Brazile said, “A government of the people by the people and for the people requires that people talk to people, that we can agree to disagree but do so in civility. If we let the politicians and those who report dictate our discourse, then our course will be dictated.”
The time to talk to ourselves is now, if we must have a state that work we must all abide by the principle of democracy and allow peace to sink into our heart.
I salute our leaders especially those serving and aspirants for making themselves available but I withdraw  my appraisal and compliment back if your leadership or ambition will cost the life of our gallant youths, for it is better not to contest at all. 
As I always do, my message to the politicians who have within their power the ability to make change is, ‘Do you really, really care about the future of your great-grandchildren?’
Do you ever think what will be said to the next generation after my service as a leaders in the society?
Do you really care about the society that produce you?
What hit your mind when we lost one soul just because of your ambition, which now seems personal than collective?
I ask those questions because if we let  our society continue to be destroyed the way we are now, what’s the society going to be for our great-grandchildren? Think About It.
Violence and crisis does not change society, change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don’t believe is right not by bullet or assassination.
Today I stand at the mountain top to lend my voice as I blow the trumpet of peace and unity, calling the elects (leaders, or politicians aspirants ) and the electorates (followers or Voters), that irrespective of their political views, should rise up against politicians who want to dilute the principle of democracy and satisfy their selfish and blood thirsty ambition. say to them…I CHANGE MY MIND 
Deeyah Khan was right when he said, “Our society constantly promotes role models for masculinity, from superheroes to politicians, where the concept of being a ‘man’ is based in their ability to be tough, dominant  and even violent when required.”
Ladies and gentlemen, these Is the nature of our society, but am glad to announce to you, God in his wisdom and counsel is raising  a new generation who will have no appetite for religious intolerance, zero tolerance for ethnic crisis, tribal sentiment, and politics of killing and assassination in the society and Nigeria at large. Tell this to your family,  your brothers, your friends and as many you can reach.  Tell them to be aware of politicians who will armed them to kill their future.
Distinguished leaders and aspirants in kogi state, especially my home Town Kogi Central, time to think of the likely consequences of our action is now. our conduct in public can only fuel or encourage crisis or discourage political violence.
I am radical to this assignment, I am rooted to these clarion call for peace and unity. As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul longs for good governance and  if this all I can offer my generation I am fulfill, provided I can see my brothers and sisters alive before and after 2019 elections.
God Bless Our Leaders,
God Bless All The Aspirants In Central And Kogi At Large
God Bless Our Youths
Kogi Will Never Be The Same Again
– Ogo’Ogu MD

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