Opinion: Failure of a Leader is Failure of Followership

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The problem in Kogi state is simply and squarely a failure of leadership. There is nothing basically wrong with the land or climate or water or air or anything else in Kogi state.
The problem in Kogi state is the unwillingness or inability of its leaders to rise to the responsibility, to the challenge of personal example which are the hallmarks of true leadership.
Been a leader is not only when you occupy a political office as many of us perceive it. A leader is one who leads others to achieve a common goal. Him or she influences, plan, direct, supervises and harmonize them to accomplish their
In Kogi state today, Governor Bello Adoza is a true definition and good example of a good leader that we all need to emulate his leadership style.
An effective leader deserve an active followers to succeed because the failure of any leader may result from bad or ineffective followers.
Alh Yahaya Bello is so desperate and committed himself in transforming the state to a better one, so what is our duties as his followers especially we from Kogi central and those that are fortunate to be his appointees, the stake holders and even those that affiliate with him, is it that our duty is to occupy the office and only expect our salary or to use this as an avenue to enrich ourselves to make us fell on top of the world? This is capital NO. We his followers have a lot to contribute to his government especially we from central because if Governor Yahaya Bello fail it the failure of all the APC and all his supporters especially we the Ebiras.
I want us the Ebiras to do away with those thoughts in our mind that if Governor Yahaya Bello fail it is non of our business, but let me tell us here that the failure of any leader tend to have an antagonistic and pessimistic effect to his followers.
Let’s take our former President Good Luck Jonathan as an example; during his administration after the unforgivable
lapses in security especially in the north-east, corruption was another factor that Mr. Jonathan couldn’t get a grip on, or deliberately allowed to flourish under his administration. Aides and ministers accused of corruption were either
shielded or allowed to stay in their position.
Corruption and insecurity is what lead to Mr Jonathan failure the question now is that as Jonathan fail were are his followers and even the party PDP today? They have all failed.
Now let come to our state, in the past administration under Captain Wada as he also failed in transforming the state and to deliver the state from the mess inherited from the administration of Alh Ibro and he also fail in all
aspect of governance.
The question now is that were are his followers and his party PDP today? They were all affected by the failure of their leader.
Despite the fact that i have no personal achievement in this administration I will always remain an advocate of truth and a patriotic citizen and also in full support of His Excellence Alh Yahaya Bello administration but am not in support of those fallacious and preposterous behavior from some of his supporter that are fortunate to be his appointees and those that hobnobs with him especially those from Kogi central which is my people, some of the appointees from central are really trying but some don’t know his duty as a followers, ask yourself this question
what efforts have I contribute to this government for it development and ask yourself in which way have I touched the life of so many people without sentiment, bias and favoritism, ask yourself what is my efforts in the grass root but despite the fact that you are not the leader of Kogi state but for been an appointee or holding any position in this Governor Yahaya Bello administration has make you a leader in your own society now ask yourself have you
been affiliating with your people in the grass root? If the answer is no, will this help your leader at the top?
Our duties as his followers is that;
1. We should never relent efforts in praying for Governor Yahaya Bello to succeed and let see his success as our success and his failure as our failure, especially we the Ebiras.
2. Being a good follower to Governor Yahaya Bello it simply means having the courage to disagree with him if you think His Excellence is doing something wrong-headed.
So if you guys are scared of advising His Excellency, if you sense negativity so what is the essence of the Special Advisers because the governor appoint the SA to advice him.
3. There is need for collaboration because followers are the ones who are doing much of the creative work, although the leader may get most of the credit. Leaders who have been good followers understand how to work with people to bring out the best in them.
4. Dedicated to duty is very important. whatever position we held In this administration you should
perform your duties effectively. Today some of us are saying that Mr Edward the Chief of staff to Governor Yahaya Bello is attracting development to his place, yes because he knows why he is there that is to represent his people not
his pocket that is an example of a good leader to any society.
In conclusion, please let learn how to appreciate our leaders for any little things they offer to us in other to gear them up to do more for use because no leader will want to cast pearls before swine.
If you are casting pearls before swine, you are wasting your time showing or offering something very helpful or valuable to someone who does not understand or appreciate it. So let us rally round Gov. Yahaya Bello to deliver Kogi state from rat’s nest and disorder.
– Abdulmumin Ahmed
Human right activist and business administrator

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