Opinion: Barr Salami Momodu Ozigi’s Political Endowment

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First, let me quickly appreciate our amiable Governor, His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello for appointing our exemplary son, Barr Salami Momodu Ozigi (Deedat) into his cabinet again.

Humility is such an important characteristic in the life of a leader and Barr. Ozigi is very humble to the extent that he reserved due respect to everybody irrespective of political and religions affiliation.

He served with humility, magnanimity, integrity and loyalty in the Ministry of Water Resources in the last four years which impelled His Excellency Gov Yahaya Adoza Bello to find him worthy to serve in another highly reputable Ministry.

Barr. Ozigi-Deedat is not a sycophant leader but an epitome of transformation who can decide to take the bull by the horn, therefore I urge all traditional rulers to cooperate with him in order to achieve more dividends of democracy.

Recently, the Association of People Living With Disability, Kogi State chapter eulogised him as God fearing and unsentimental leader.

As a visionary leader, he promised to create an enabling environment for our traditional institution and pledged community development at the local governments level.

I urge all appointees to close rank with our God chosen Governor Alh. Yahaya Adoza Bello to achieve great developmental strategy for the New Direction administration.

To crown it all, Barr. Salami Momodu Ozigi-Deedat is a God chosen leader and a gift to Ihima people and Ebiras in general. May Almighty Allah in His infinite mercy grant him wisdom to portray excellence performance for the New Direction administration and protect him from evil doers (Amin).

– Comrade Ondeku Sadiq Momoh 

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