Opinion: APC Lacks Political Will To Bring Development To Kogi State

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I, Alfa Tijani, an ardent fan of APC in the last general elections, have lost confidence in the leadership style of the All Progressives Congress (APC). I maintained that the party leadership lost focus after the death of Prince Abubakar Audu and the last general elections.

However, I am yet to decide on the party to join.

I will consult with my supporters before I decide on the party to move to but I am still in politics. Already, I have told my supporters that I will not force them to leave APC; anybody who wants to remain in APC is free to do so and whoever wants to move with me is welcome. I decided to mute in the APC activities because the party can no longer bring development to Kogi State , it’s unfortunate that the party has lost focus.

I prayed for our leaders to succeed and bring back the state’s lost glory. We must always pray for the success of our leaders because the holy Quran admonishes people to do so.

Nepotism, poverty, unemployment and crime have become the fastest growing industries in Kogi State and this has made our hard earned democratic government worthless. It is crude and barbaric, Kogi is fast losing its credibility, friends and opportunities while crisis management takes better part of our government preoccupation.

Woe betides all those who perpetrate those sinister, fraudulent activities that dragged us to this mess and brought us the kind of problems we are confronting today.

They shall dearly pay for it and forever remain unsettled because various voices of blood, especially the voices of blood of workers across the twenty one Local Government Areas are crying bitterly unto God in Heaven.

– Alfa Tijani, a social mediator, writes from Ajaka, Igalamela/Odolu LGA of Kogi State

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