Okene Administrator Sympathize With Bello, Ehebe Clan Over Death of Kogi Varsity Bursar

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By Abu Mumin.

The Administrator of Okene Local Government, Mallam Abdulrazaq Muhammad has commiserated with Governor Yahaya Bello and the government of Kogi State over the painful demise of Alh. Yahaya Yusuf, the Bursar of Kogi State University, Anyigba.

The Administrator said the sad news of the former University account officer came to him as a rude shock and disbelieve especially now that the services of such experience public servant is needed to drive the consolidation agenda of the Gov. Yahaya Bello administration. 

Hon. Abdulrazaq, in a condolence message, described the untimely exit of Alh. Yahaya Yusuf as saddening, tragic and painful which he said will be difficult to accommodate.

“He is a humble fellow, an intelligent administrator and a highly experienced professional who within the short period as bursar established many progressive innovations to the university financial system in line with global best practices,” he said.

The council boss condoled with his immediate family, Ehebe clan and the University community over the sad incidence, and enjoined them to accept the sudden demise of Alh. Yahaya Yusuf as an act of God which is beyond the comprehension of any mortals.

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