Okehi LGA Councillor Questions Council Boss on N1.8billion

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By Shaibu Stephen Ojate

Hon. Salami Omuya Usman, the Councillor representing Oboroke-Eba Ward has called on the people of Okehi Local Government to investigate the activities of the council boss before it is too late.

Hon. Salami made this remark while addressing newsmen in Okene today. He said, two months running now, the councillors have not been paid their full salaries and wonder what the Chairman has been doing with the allocation to the council.

‘As I am speaking to you, the Chairman, Hon Hassan is riding on limousine Car, One Jeep and Honda Car. He receives N2million as security votes, N750,000 impress every month. All these, he takes them first charge from the allocation. Sad to note he never deemed it fit to pay councillors’ salaries for the past two months. He left us and workers to die in hunger. We don’t really know what he is doing with local government allocation’, Hon. Omuya said.

Hon. Omuya has refuted Chairman’s remark that the present administration has not been getting fair allocation from federal government unlike previous government. He added that last year, the sum amount of N1.8billions was approved by the legislative body and at the end of 2013, nothing to show for all the money expended.

‘In 2013, he claimed to have constructed roads, built farm centre, dug borehole, built health centre, all in oboroke. I am one of the councillors in that area; there are no such projects there. We asked him to show us where the projects are and up till now, he could not point to any. It will interest you to note that he claimed to have spent another N300million late last year, he should be asked to show where the projects are in any part of Okehi Local government, he said.

Hon. Usman noted that the council Boss has been deceiving members of the public on the allocation to the local government. He urged the public to demand explanation from the Chairman on what he made do with the little he received. If he can’t pay salaries to workers, councillors and execute single project, what are we saying? He remarked

Buttressing further, he said instead of the Chairman to make amend in his doing, he is always fond of accusing people for destroying his administration.

On local government sacked workers, he noted that when Hon. Hassan took over the mantle of leadership as Liason officer 1, he owed two month salaries. He complained that the staff strength of the council was over bloated and demands downsizing of work force.

Over 400 staff employed by his predecessor was dismissed. When he did this, we taught the council would be stable enough in term of fund. Right now, the remaining workers were not fully paid as at when due and 7months salaries owed workers, Hon Usman said.


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