Ohinoyi of Ebiraland, Speak Out and Call a Spade a Spade

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O my King, HRM, Alhaji Abdulrahman Ado Ibrahim, the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland, Speak to your people across the land and call a spade a spade.

Happy birthday Your Majesty!

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends [King, Ohi(s) Otaru(s) and leaders], – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Your Majesty, I bow down before you not to worship you but to respect your exalted office. As a father it is expected of us, your sons and daughters, to render maximum respect to you in accordance with our culture and tradition.

I celebrate your new age your majesty and from the dept of my heart i pray, your remaining years will be celebrated in peace and in joy… Once again, happy birthday your Majesty.

Your Majesty, Alh Ado Ibrahim, the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland, your son have something to discuss with you, and I beg of you to give me your listening ears as I pour my heart out especially concerning our land; Ebira.

Your majesty, our land is filled with blood of innocent souls, the land is bleeding calling for help. We all have been divided across political parties and ethnicity, everyone is seeking for everyone’s death all because of power, politics and or money. We have been made a public show by our public servants who are supposed to be cacophonous about peace and unity in the society. Our son is the number one in the state but it appear there no different between first and the last…in all of these we are all in our comfort zones believing one-day – somehow – somebody will make a huge positive change.

Your Majesty, my face is on floor but my heart is settled, my mouth is open and my hand is on active mode and I say…the silent of a father in a divided society where all the above problems are in full throttle, it only means an invitation to more anarchy which will eventually consume everyone… O king, His Majesty Alh Ado Ibrahim speak out and let your office benefit all your children across ebiraland.

I think it is time you speak, your grave silence is becoming a bugaboo; speak to your people, the silence of our traditional rulers especially your office gives more chance for abuse, crime immorality to strive in the land.

Every position or authority in life has purpose wrapped with responsibilities, There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events, position, power and authority are given to us for the benefit of the people and if not executed as mandated, posterity may not smile at us… Happy Birthday.

Permit me to say this, among all your children, i am nobody, the least, the poorest and the least educated but my destiny is intertwined with the destiny of my land which you are by the grace of God ruling over as the Ohinoyi (King) and I will be crushing my destiny if I keep silent like others.

A true son who cannot look into his father’s eyes and tell him the truth is a bastard, a slave and imbecile, and i am sure you do not raise me to be so.

Your Majesty, you are the paramount ruler in the land, the father of all, it will not be out of place if you call a stakeholder meeting inviting all your sons and daughter vying for political positions and make peace and unite them… Happy Birthday.

It will not be a wrong idea if you summon all the Ohi(s) and Otaru(s) to come to your place and discuss the security, peace and unity of our land with a view to prefer solutions as well as assisting the security agencies in carrying out their duties… Happy Birthday.

It will not be out of place is you lend your voice on social media, Tao Fm, Tv station e.g NTA cautioning your subjects to shun evil activities, and to desist from politics of killing and harassment and hatred… Happy Birthday.

Furthermore, it’s a good idea if you summon the youths organization of ebiraland to converge at your palace and address them, highlighting the disadvantages of thuggery, crime and assassination… Your Majesty, have mercy on your son for his nobody but so passionate about the well being of his people. 

I believe if you have me as your biological son and at my age i refuse to grow you should be bold enough to rebuke me and ask my mother whose son I am… Ebira people are known to be brave, our character speaks, our answers to questions differentiate us, our ideas speak volume of us, our hardwork distinguishes us, our skills and talent is our identity, our beauty and handsomeness breakthrough the darkness and we must not allow our silence as a people dent this hard reputation build by our heros.

Martin Luther King, Jr, a revolutionist, and activist wrote and I quote ”The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”

Series of killing have been recorded, harassment and crisis every now and then in the land yet no work from the king…this melt my heart your Majesty.

The word of a king is the voice of God on earth and until you speak the potent and power in your word will not be felt…O King speak for election is here again and the wicked is at work skimming and politicking how to make your community ungovernable all for power… speak! speak! speak My King.

Haile Selassie said and I quote, “throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

While pounding on the wisdom of Haile Selassie, Martin Luther King, Jr. stroke me with another wisdom.

“History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.”

Your Majesty, it is your birthday, and my mission is to celebrate you and remind you that silent of a leader been political, traditional and religious leaders in the face of injustice, oppression and crime give a nod for continuity and escalation… Happy Birthday.

You must summon courage and call for meeting and to address this new development that is causing us pain in the land before it gets out of hand. Your voice must be loud and documented for posterity sakes. you are on the throne before this present administration and your will remain on throne after long they have left…what will speak of you is your role and activities. Happy Birthday.

A voice is a human gift; it should be cherished and used, to utter fully human speech as possible. Powerlessness and silence go together. speak today and let your power and the authority of the majesty be known in the land, your voice alone is capable of sending the strangers and beast who come to steal to kill and to destroy our peace, unity and joy away. O HRM, My King Alh Ado Ibrahim, Speak To Your People Across The Land, And Call A spade A Spade… Happy Birthday.

I prayed, God of heaven whom we serve will grant you long life with quality health wrap with more wisdom to rule over our kingdom…Amen

Happy Birthday Your Majesty. Happy Years of Service
Long Live The King!

– Ogo’Ogu MD

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