Ododo Usman: A Man at Peace With Himself

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Alh Ododo Ahmed Usman is a man who has a date with destiny. A destiny, that has so far put him in good stead to serve at the highest level leadership in Kogi state come November 2023. He has carried out the onerous task of effective and efficient Auditing of Local Government in Kogi state as stipulated by law for the advancement of our great state A position he occupied before becoming the APC flag bearer in the just concluded free and fair party direct primary election.

He is a conqueror of “Mount Everest”, and sitting comfortably atop of it, rejoicing and glorifying Allah. He is a man at peace with himself.

I have no doubt that a renewed Direction will soon break in Kogi State. A dawn of fresh air and fresh young Intelligent, tested and trusted young Ododo, which shall blow across the length and breadth of the state of the Confluence. And the great people of Kogi State, shall by the grace of God come November 2023 have a servant-leader who shall build on the gains of Alh Yahaya Bello.

The journey to the exalted seat of the Governor of Kogi State at LUGARD House shall be smooth by the grace of God. The moment of renewed direction and hope is very close and the good people of Kogi State will have cause to smile, that the voice of the people, is indeed the voice of God.
Ododo Ahmed Usman in the course of his political career so far, has passed through the crucible and fire and came out untainted; unscratched. A proverbial cat with nine lives, furthering the principle of politics without bitterness as put in place by Alh Yahaya Bello his political mentor.

Ododo Ahmed Usman is imbued with the resolve to use his God- given wisdom, a good heart and caring soul to move Kogi State and her people many miles ahead of its peers as so far demonstrated in his sterling services as the Auditor General of Local Government in the state.
Ododo will build a Kogi State, where her youth will be creators of wealth, through induced direct foreign investment and entrepreneurship skills. This will in effect, make Kogi State, be like the Asian Tigers, rather than wait for the peanut from the federal allocation from Abuja.

For Alh Ododo Ahmed Usman, Kogi State should be well illuminated with far-reaching socio-economic projects, as the state is racing against time, craving to be in league of states, like Lagos, Oyo, Rivers, Akwa-Ibom etc. This is achievable with pragmatic and workaholic leader Alh Ododo Ahmed Usman who will not shy away from availing kogi people his wealth of experience. There would be a government, which will come with a development blueprint that will send jitters around Kogi state when by God’s grace his duly elected come November 2023.

Nothing can stop an idea which time has come, once patriotic people, like Alh Ododo Ahmed Usman and his focused team set their minds to achieve such a goal. Good thinking. Good products.

The good people of Kogi State are resilient and focused people, only waiting for a leader, who will turn their dream into reality.

When by God’s grace come November 2023, Ododo Usman becomes the governor of Kogi State, it shall be a bond between him and the electorate to make them, the centre-piece of his government. He will give them an open administration, devoid of monopoly of wisdom while following the footsteps of Alh Yahaya Bello where it was and still everyman’s show both young and old, irrespective of gender, tribe or religion. The Almighty God that started this project, shall see it to a favourable conclusion come November, 2023.

Think Ododo (Flower Boy) Think Kogi State. Kogi shall be better and great.

– Tosin Tafu
Coordinator, Better Kogi Initiative 4 Ododo

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