Ode for Comrade Austin Okai

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They trailed him.
He was betrayed by frien-enemy.
He was arrested at Abuja.
Monday court appearance aborted.
Tuesday’s come.
Austin Okai was arraigned and denied bail.
The last working day before a long recess.
It was well planned by them.
Bail fail and he will be there for days in detention.
Austin was arraigned.
The court full with supporters.
Austin Okai in the dock.
Full of life ,youthful exuberance.
Petit in size with smiles.
Look so harmless.
Naive in court process.
So this is the assumed terror terrorizing the Bello Administration.
Bemused. I smiled to myself
Court process commenced
Comic drama during trial.
A letter from an unconscious man.
Judgement continued
Unconscious and hospitalized, yet he appeared
But rule of law prevailed
Austin Okai granted bail .
Sigh of relief.
 Hurray was the echo.
But wait.
Security personnel swarmed on the court premises.
Pick up loads of them fully armed . Over 100.
Some masked.
What again.
Austin Okai must be taken in again.
Atmosphere charged .
Bail conditions fulfilled.
But Austin Okai can’t go home.
God is in control.
Erudite lawyer for Austin came back.
Gentle men of the Law.
Who do you want? The lawyer quipped.
Austin, Austin, Austin was their response.
Take him but no harm must come unto him.
Sadly he was taken back to detention
Long, lonely days in detention .
Amongst criminals.
Ooh, why must good people be joined with criminals.
Like our Lord Jesus , so is Austin’s faith.
Tuesday’s come
Freedom is on the way.
The lord is your strength.
The nation celebrates you.
Austin Okai a Hero
Austin Okai is our hero.
Hero of conscience..
Hon Barry thinking Aloud

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