Obangogo Hill, Nature’s Magnificent Museum

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I decided to call Obangogo Hill, located in Kabba, Kogi State, nature’s magnificent museum because of my experience as a museum manager/tour guide and the magnificent grace the hill and its subordinate natural figures exhibits.

Instead of Obangogo Tourism, I call it the international name it deserves. The name that immediately expresses what Obangogo Tourism represents; ‘Obangogo Hill and Nature Park’.

The natural monument gracely sits on the virgin land of Owe-Kabba in Kogi State, Nigeria. Tourism is broad and therefore we should not be carried away by trying to identify and promote the tourism potential of Kabba and neglecting the significance of the Hill.

Obangogo Hill and Nature Park must be supported by UNESCO because of its undiluted culture and natural history. It is not porous for now and how long that will last depend on tourism promoters and international tourists who discovers its importance.

As tourists flocks in, hotels may spring up at wrong spots. International business men and women will key into the opportunities but what matters to them is the profit they make and the communities may not see the destruction of the heritage as their youths get employed and put food on the table.

At present, it is still very possible for the Owe-Kabba community, Kogi State, Federal government and UNESCO to have a master plan and future development project for Obangogo Hill and Nature Park. This natural attraction should be promoted and preserved. The Kogi State government seems not to be interested in tourism. The federal government of Nigeria, and UNESCO should support the Owe Community.

The road that lead to the magnificent work of Nature is an eyesore. The community lack electricity, inaccessible road network and accommodation facilities for tourists.

The Owe Community should be commended because there is no support for them from anywhere but this did not deter the sons and daughters of the land and well-wishers from working hard to see that Obangogo Hill and Nature Park get to its rightful position on world tourism map.

Sociologists, Anthropologists, Archaeologists, Ethnographers, and Geologists should visit Obangogo and Owe community now before the rush. Tourism potential in Owe is enormous.

Wonders of the Hill

The hill is wonderful. The serene environment makes meditation and prayers to take you to the supernatural realm while still on earth. The wonders on the hill include the story of a King; Elegha, the Ako Kereje, Kereje whose coffin turned into a stone. The stone is still there today.

There is also a part of the hill that sound like talking drums. There is a spring water on the hill that never dries all year round. The water serves as the main source of water for the people long time ago. There are five mystical lake on the hill called ‘Ako’ and they never run dry despite their stagnant position.

The rocks on the hills comes in different shapes and forms. Their interpretation is best defined by eyes of the beholder. It is believed that the water on the hill has mystical and curing powers. It is also believed that any prayer rendered on the hill will manifest.

– Anago James Akeem Osho

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