Nov 11 Poll: My Marine Economy Plans Will Check Flood, Erosion Menace in Kogi – YPP Gov’ship Candidate

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Candidate of the Young Progressives Party (YPP) in the November governorship election in Kogi state, Dr Sam Omale, has promised to maximize the economic potentials of the state when elected.

He stated this while answering questions from newsmen in Lokoja, the state capital, on Sunday.

Dr Omale said his plans to initiate marine economy will help in proactive mechanism to control flood and erosion menace in the state.

According to him, marine economy will run on six pillars to include, irrigation, leisure, transport, fishery, hydroelectricity, flood and erosion.

The YPP candidate noted that Kogi state is thirty two years in reverse order which poses unavoidable threats to the corporate existence and unity of purpose.

The revered London-based banker and consultant lamented the deteriorating state of things in Kogi despite enormous opportunities as one of Nigeria most central states, emphasizing the need for the electorate to take destiny into their hands by electing a leader who can turn the fortunes of the state around.

Dr Omale explained that if voted into power, security and criminality will reduce to zero percent in the state, stressing that jobs creation through agriculture will be top priority.

He said the reason people cannot enjoy the natural resources of the state is because of bad leaders, calling on the electorate to vote them out this time around and choose the right candidate which is Dr Sam Omale.

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