Nothing Has Changed In Kogi State And Anybody Who Thinks Otherwise Is Living In Denial

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Greetings my beloved friends all over Kogi State. I trust each and everyone of us is doing fine. I may have been incommunicado for sometime which is really unlike by me. Trust me, the feeling is not personal. It’s simply as a result of different interests competing for my time, but I’m optimistic sooner than later, everything will be fine.
Today, I decided to write and eased off my pains about Kogi State. For friends who know me very well, I am very big on humanity, and politics is one way to show my compassion and love for humanity. Yes, I am very passionate about anything relating to humanity. God willingly, in that way I will be able to affect human lives in positive manner.
My take on nineteenth months of Bello and all the appointees, is nothing personal, but my own personal assessment of the polity of putting together all relevant factors. It’s always good for any rational thinking mind with an objective view to life issues to always assess and evaluate his plan and direction to life and business in order to have an inventory stock of where he/she is headed. Likewise, it’s imperatively important and necessary for us to have an insightful assessment of Bello and his appointees.
Before I proceed proper, let’s be clear on one thing. I clearly supported APC wholeheartedly under Audu Faleke ticket and that fact is indisputable and a reason is simple. Looked at the  situation of the state,where it is headed and if the status quo remains same, the state might end up in the hand of vultures because with the rate of insecurity.
And death which kidnappers and  arm robbers the dreaded sect has inflicted on Kogites daily was alarming,  the rate was growing very disturbing the rate of corruption on the increase. The last straw that broke  camels back for me was the issue of the unpaid salaries. Honestly, I could not stand the scene. I was wondering what if I am one of them? I was wondering the trauma going in the minds of those workers. I was wondering how the workers were faring. There were so many question which were bothering for answers. And to add salt to injury, I watched their speech concerning on Focus Nigeria by Gbenga about the bailout funds and their statement really baffled me when asked about the unpaid salaries.
I don’t put sentiments on some issues in life, and politics is one of them. I didn’t support Audu Fakeke because of sentiments,  opportunities or vested interest. I supported them because I felt they are kind of men that Kogites needed at the said point in time because of their integrity, body language and principle on corruption. We lost a resourceful man of vision at successful story of APC and Hon James Abiodun Faleke was rubbed in a broad daylight.
Unpaid salaries, insecurity, unemployment, hunger, health and education. These are some of the rubrics I shall be using to assess Bello led administration. Bello should be graded extremely poor on salaries, insecurity and hunger. These are the fundamental issues based on my own humble assessment which Bello and his appointees should be assessed on. To me Bello who came to rule through back door has performed poorly. I say this because the economy of Kogi State is in a precarious situation, the electricity in the state has deteriorated into comatose situation.
Another failure of Bello and his appointees was their inability to structure a road map /plan for the state, all the were concerned was to hijack the party and enriched themselves and they couldn’t articulate a roadmap/structure because they had no plans from the beginning. In fact, in my own analysis, I will say, they were confused in their confusion on how to go about it.
Two years into a mandate of four years is a time for reflections. It actually gives any government, especially a new one like the Bello’s, a better opportunity to evaluate itself in terms of democratic deliveries . For a performing government, it is a time to discover and develop some new frontiers. But for a none or under-performing government, there is still an ample time to work for the people to earn their confidence. But whether the government is performing or not, one thing is sure: the people would evaluate and take their decision at the right time. In this case, 2019 is the ultimate decider.
– Alfa Tijani, a political analyst, writes from Kogi state

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