My Easter Message to Nigerians – Arogbonlo

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This year Easter’s celebration comes amid global unrest engineered by the ravaging killer disease (COVID-19), which has held the entire World in perpetual fear.


There is great joy at the end of the tunnel if we all join our hands together and fight for the tranquility and stability of our beloved country in this point in time.

I believe there is no other time we can fight this common enemy than now slated to mark the auspicious occasion symbolising the Celebration of the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Christ. Hence, we must learn from the narrative of the only begotten Son of God who sacrificed his life for the salvation of the World.

It’s high time we rise irrespective of our differences or religious affiliations and pray for the cleansing of our land. It is in my believe that, the effectual prayer of the righteous is much needed particularly this period as it is the best antidote for the plague confronting us in recent time.

The anticipated relief from this deadly disease would only be possible if we faint not in the days of adversity but rather seek the face of God in our closet so as to fasten the solution we all long for.

May I use this opportunity to urge us to continue to support the crusade against COVID-19 in the country. As against the erroneous beliefs of some Nigerians that, COVID-19 is rich people’s illness, I would say we should put all these antics aside and embrace the reality, that is, the love of our fatherland that must be defended, not minding the modalities surrounding the novel disease.

We should also ensure to obey all the directives in terms of containing the spread of the pandemic especially as we celebrate this auspicious occasion. Together we can achieve more!

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!

#StaySafe #HappyGoodFriday

From your fellow compatriot,

– Arogbonlo Israel.

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