Motion: Omofaiye Calls on Kogi Govt to Address Problem of Inadequate Staff at COE Technical, Kabba

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Mr. Speaker Sir, my Distinguished Colleagues.
It has become imperative on me to urgently draw the attention of this Honourable House and the Kogi State Government to the grossly shortage of academic staff currently been experienced by the only Kogi State owned College of Education Technical sited at Gbeleko –  Kabba in Kabba – Bunu Local Government Area of Kogi State.
Whereas, you will all agree with me that the importance of Technical Education in Nation building cannot be over emphasized.
My Distinguished Colleagues, it is this significant role of Technical Education in the social economic development of our state that made His Excellency Asiwaju Clarance Olafemi a former Executive Governor of Kogi State to establish in 2010 through a bill of this respected House of Assembly the Kogi State College Of Education Technical Kabba.
Whereas the cardinal objective for the establishment of the college is to develop functional and sustainable Teachers, Technical and Vocational educational programme for the youths of Kogi State and Nigeria in general where students can perfectly and efficiently acquire entrepreneurship skills, knowledge and attitude relevant to the present and future of Kogi State.
Other fundamental reason for the establishment of this citadel of learning is to produce graduates that are fully equipped with knowledge, skills in contemporary pedagogical insights to make outstanding success in their choosing careers so as to make them self reliant and employer of labour at the end of their academic programme from the college.
Mr. Speaker Sir, my Honourable colleagues it will surprise you to note that 8 years after the establishment of this school, she is still operating from it’s temporary site and confronted with mountains of problems including shortage of academic staff.
Whereas recruitment of quality academic staff to meet the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) Basic Minimum Academic Standard (BMAS) is one of the requirements for the sustainability of the College.
Whereas according to NCCE’s BMAS, the minimum number of academic staff per department is 8 irrespective of the number of the students in any academic programme.
Whereas the College has been operating without the appointment of principal officers, namely the Registrar, the bursar, the College Librarian and the Director of Works.
Presently, the College has operates only the Provost as the substantial principal officer which is contrary to the laws of the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE), the supervisory agent of the College.
Health they say is wealth, presently the college needs additional six Nurses to man its clinic and five Technologists to take care of the departmental laboratories.
Rt. Hon Speaker my distinguished Colleagues, in view of the vital role this College is aimed to perform in the overall development of our dearest Kogi State and going by the calls for the attainment of professional courses for self reliant by the youth of the state who are the future leaders, I humbly call on this House to resolve as follows:
1. That the Kogi State Government should as a matter of priority carry out the recruitment of academic staff for the Kogi State College of Education Kabba in other to meet the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) Basic Minimum Academic Standard (BMAS).
2. That the Kogi State Government should as a matter of urgency appoint principal officers that will work along with the provost of the College as the Management Team so as, to achieve the required standard in the academic programme of the College.
3. The State Government should also recruit six Nurses to man the college clinic and five Technologists to take charge of the laboratories.
4. Government should put all necessary machineries in place for the movement of the school to its permanent site in Kabba.
I so move.
Sponsored by,
Hon. Victor Adewale Omofaiye
Member representing Ijumu Constituency, Kogi State House of Assembly and right Hon Mathew Kolawole, Kabba Bunu State Constituency.
Academic departments and present staff strength of Kogi State College of Education (Technical), Kabba.
  1. Home Economics 01
  2. Business Education 04
  3. Mathematics 06
  4. Physics 05
  5. Chemistry 08
  6. Biology 08
  7. Computer Science 05
  8. Integrated Science 06
  9. Physical and Health Education 05
  10. General Education 11
  11. Technical Education 11
  12. General Studies in Education 06
  13. Agricultural Education 08
  14. Fine and Applied Art 04
Sponsored by Hon. Victor Adewale Omofaiye, Member representing Ijumu State Constituency.

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