Maryam Sanda: A Lesson for All

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The news broke out on social media, around November 2017, that one Maryam Sanda stabbed her husband, Bilyaminu Bello to death, because she suspected marriage infidelity.

She was arrested, detained, questioned and prosecuted and she was finally convicted by the Maitama High Court, Abuja. 

It was an ugly incidence. Indeed, love was the foundation of their union but sadly, something went wrong and she stabbed her husband to death. The father of her two kids. What a pity! 

Indeed, justice was served. We all know that when a case of culpable homicide (murder) is proven against an accused person, the judgement will be death by hanging.

Maryam will surely regret her act, and whenever she cast her mind back to that fateful day and ponder on how Bilyaminu  bled to death.

The most important lesson to be learn, is that; we should never allow our emotions becloud our sense of reasoning, no matter how upset we are. We should learn how to subdue our anger. Anger can ruin all that you have worked hard for all the years.

Maryam’s emotions took over her sense of reasoning and it has cost her; her marital home, her husband’s life, her life as well and jeopardize the life of her children.

You see the Evil of Anger?

We have so many cases where a husband beats her wife to death or a wife killed her husband. It is very sad.

In conclusion, I hope everyone would learn from the ugly story of Maryam and the ills of domestic violence. If one is no longer comfortable with the union, I think it is better to quit rather than killing your spouse. May the fortress and guidance of the Lord be sufficient for the children.

– Ojiah Ridwan, a public affairs analyst.

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