LG Boss Urges Telecom Operators to Extend Service to Kogi Communities

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Alh. Mohammed Tanko, the Administrator Kogi Local Government Area, Kogi State has appealed to Telecom Operators to extend their network services to some communities that were currently cut off due to absence of transmission signals.

Tanko told newsmen in Lokoja on Tuesday, that some communities in the LGA were facing series of challenges occasioned by absence of telecom services among other things.

He said that he had personally lodged complain at the offices of both Glo Mobile and MTN to draw their attention to the situation, saying nothing had been done so far.

According to him, people usually travelled a distance to areas where they could access signals, emphasizing that businesses and other economic activities are paralyzed due to absence of network.

“The situation is so pathetic; I had made several trips to major service providers both in Lokoja and Abuja to officially lodge complain on the need to extend services to Osuku community and beyond.

“Imagine travelling up to 40 minutes in an attempt to access service signals, it is pathetic. Now as I am now, I would have missed several calls and engagements that could benefit me and my people.

“I am talking of over two million people. Even the issue of security which is the paramount role of government is being threatened, as well as health issues.

“If Glo mobile, MTN and other service providers are conscious of business, I think they have a virgin land where businesses would thriveā€¯, Tanko said.
Mrs Rabi Saliu, a resident of Ogbendu, one of the affected communities, told NAN that frustration experienced by the people due to absence of network was indescribable.

She explained that students and researchers who needed to explore internet usually traveled and sleep overnight in areas where they could access network service.

According to her, communities such as Ohuma, Onzo, Gwazaki, Lakwo, Gbongboro, Ambiriki, Osuku dudu, Okete, Achara and other neighbouring communities are all affected.

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