Letter to Our Political Appointees and Concerned Kogites

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For the fact that most of us keep mute on the happenings on the social and political scene doesn’t implies that everything is right. Most of us are keenly observing and keeping note of both the good, bad and the ugly because a day of reckoning shall come where everyone doing and undoing shall be revealed and the day is obviously near.
As Peter Drucker rightly said, effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes. The era of cheap blackmail and propaganda is gone and gone for good. Your result in whichever capacity you hold shall be your performance index, it obvious that our people are more enlightened, as they are at the receiving end of all the happenings, and they are in the right position to access and make informed
Benjamin Franklin once said; “If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing.”
For instance in our political scene, four years might initially look like forever, but reality is gradually catching up with us, your legacy is what will be at your rescue when the hour of reckoning comes.
We don’t necessarily need to go on physical battle, as its said that the pen is mightier than the sword, and thank God for the adoption and influence of social media in our today’s society, the task at hand becomes more easier.
And also as the polity is gradually hitting up, We shall unleash our weapon when the time is right.
On the home front i.e. Ife-olukotun, the Student Union Government is making efforts on how to bring development closer to our students. But our efforts so far shall soon be at public consumption when the time is right, to commend whom commendation is due and do otherwise to the adverse.
– Lamidi Sherifdeen writes from Ife-Olukotun, Kogi State

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