KOTRAN Solicits for Peace During Election

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A Non-Governmental Organization, Kogi Transformation Network (KOTRAN) has organized a one-day interactive seminar as part of programmes designed to promote peace, security awareness and sensitization on the Personal Voters Card.

Declaring the seminar open in Lokoja, Governor Idris Wada assured the people of the state of his administration’s resolve to leave no stone unturned in its bid to ensure a violent free election.

The governor who described the forth-coming general elections as the first of its kind in recent times, urged politicians to shun utterances and actions capable of heating up the polity or triggering unrest in the country.

On the part of the state government, he said measures have been put in place to maintain peace and order before, during and after the elections while warning those planning to disrupt the peace to have a rethink as according to him, government would not hesitate to deal with anyone who breaks the law.

In his remark, the state Deputy Coordinator, President Goodluck Jonathan campaign group, Prince Olushola Akanmode described the seminar as a welcome development in the nation’s democratic process, while calling on party supporters to guide against acts capable of hampering the smooth conduct of the polls.

Earlier, the Director-General KOTRAN, Hon Farouk Yahaya had explained that the seminar was the organization’s way of mobilizing and sensitizing the people towards a violent free election, proper usage of the PVC and need to work for the victory of the PDP in the forthcoming elections.

He equally appealed to the government to organize similar seminars in all the 21 local government councils and 239 wards of the state, while expressing the commitment of the organizations towards supporting government’s plants to enhance the welfare of grassroots dwellers through its transformation programmes.

The Deputy Commissioner of Police, operations Kogi State command, Felix Iwani in his lecture on Security awareness before, during and after elections stressed the need to sensitize the public on the need to shun “do or die” politics and all other forms of violence, just as he said the police would work with the relevant stakeholders to ensure a hitch free polls in the state.

Source: The Graphic

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