Kokori-Abdul Congratulates Onoja

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A Federal Commissioner, Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission (RMAFC), Hon. Suleiman Kokori-Abdul has congratulated the new deputy governor of Kogi state, Chief Edward Onoja on his elevation in office.

Kokori-Abdul commended Governor Yahaya Bello for nominating Onoja as his new deputy and expressed hope that the duo will enjoy a rancour free relationship considering their understanding before the nomination.

In the brief press statement, Hon Kokori-Abdul also congratulated Engr Abubakar Ohere for his elevation as Commissioner, Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs; and Pharm. Abdulkareem Asuku Jamiu as the new Chief of Staff to the Governor of Kogi State.

He hailed the appointment of Dr Gabriel Ottah and Hon Jibril Abu as Directors-General (Protocol) to the Governor and Deputy Governor respectively.

Hon Kokori-Abdul used the opportunity of this electioneering period to canvass the votes of all well meaning electorate in Kogi State for Gov Bello and Onoja in the forthcoming November 16 poll.

He expressed optimism that the state will witness more lofty dividends from the APC administration.

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