Kogi West Senate: Comrade Temitope’s Position on Karimi an Expression of Frustration, Ignorance

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I have read with sympathy, the sickly press release of one Comrade Temitope Daniel on the right of Hon. Sunday Karimi to aspire to be a senator.

The press statement is a mere expression of ignorance and frustration of a drowning man.

It is unfortunate that the name Karimi for senate is creating problems and cardiac issues for certain people. The mentioning of that name is taking away their sleep capable of giving heart failure.

I sympathise very seriously with the author of that release, because, he has only displayed his ignorance of the citizens rights as provided in the constitution of the federal Republic of Nigeria as amended that guarantee citizens the inalienable right to vote and be voted for.

It is an absurdity with a clear prove of political hallucination to fault someone’s qualification to aspire to an elected office as our comrade brother has done. It is equally an aberration for an individual to ascribed to himself the power to determine the right of a person to contest election. What an expression of a lean mind.

On the performance of Hon. Sunday Karimi during his tenure in the House of Representatives, it is either my supposed brother as claimed is completely ignorant of what he intends to say or he was misinformed by his sponsors.

It is on record, that the superlative performance of Hon. Karimi during the period mentioned is such that all the villages in the 34 wards of Yagba federal constituency have one or more projects that are still functional till this moment. This performance for your information earned him second term making him to become the first representative of Federal Constituency to enjoy such privilege.

It is important therefore Mr. Comrade, that as a young personality with future ahead of you, it is not profitable to venture into unholy enterprise.

Rather than dissipating your energy on attempts to run down people in the name of politics just because you are afraid of the stature, personality of Karimi, I advise that you throw your hat into the ring or better still you concentrate on showcasing your preferred aspirants.

Let it also be known to you that Hon. Karimi is known and love across Kogi West. He is not a desperate politician but a man full of capacity, experience, integrity and character who does not give credence to mediocrity.

Finally Comrade, I wish you well in you’d new adventure.

Finally, my brother, if truly you are a Yagba Man, why don’t you start soliciting support for Yagba to produce the next senator for Kogi West not necessarily Karimi and let the people decide since its beyond you to determine who can be senator or not.

– Toba Abraham, a citizen of Yagba West, writes from Ejiba.

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