Kogi State Ministerial Slot and Pertinent Issues

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Indeed, Kogi State has suffered and still suffering in the hands of those who dictate who get what, when and how. It was a successful appearance during the ministerial confirmation at the red chamber of National Assembly when our own barrister of blessed memory, Chief James Ocholi SAN lectured the law makers on the then situation of our prisons and prisoners across board and the need to established a criminal panels to fast track criminal cases in the country to help decongest our prisons.

He further recommended the need to separate the alleged criminals and civil cases to enhance re-socialisation on the value, norms and ethics of the society. But unfortunately, instead of the Justice and Attorney General portfolio, he found himself as Minister of State for Labour.

Several pressure groups and high profile personalities suggested he turned down the appointment but the man that was humility personified declined all advice for his mutual understanding with Mr President. Little did we knew that he was not going to last in that position until the unfortunate scenario happened. Though it was on record that our blessed Barrister stood for President Buhari amongst other legal luminaries as legal advisers from the days of ACN till his last breath.

After the death of Barrister Ocholi, the people of Kogi State started clamouring for his replacement both on printing and social media. The enemies within paid deaf ears to the marginalisation of Kogi people until after a year and some months out of compensation and pity, Prof. Ocheni nomination was sent to the National Assembly.

The battle for the swearing – in of Prof Ocheni after his confirmation became lingering. In spite his public service experienced he was pinned down to same portfolio  of our deceased Barrister under the watch of the powerful Chris Ngige aka The Cat.

Though he is learning the political antics speedily and if the speculation of his nominations to continue as Minister from Kogi State is real, that will be an opportunity and  privilege for him to improve on his achievements and track record as he recently influenced the Dekina ecological project and some pocket of employment to his credit despite the sectionalism.

Hajia Salamatu Baiwa’s ministerial ambition.

The quest by some individuals, groups and supporters of Hajia Salamatu Baiwa calling for her nomination as Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is not out of place.

Hajia Baiwa aka Mama Kogi as fondly called by her admirer is the current National Woman Leader of All Progressive Party (APC). The name Hajia Baiwa is a house hold name not only in Kogi State but the entire North Central Zone and Nigeria at large. It is a known fact that Hajia Baiwa have touched and still touching the lives of the people positively irrespective of one background or ethnic nationality though the internal wrangling within the party at the state level must have led to the renomination of Prof Ocheni.

Considering several premises for ministerial nomination Hajia Baiwa is not lagging behind. If competency is the hallmark for nomination she is how higher, when popularity become the yardstick she is highly rated amongst her peers and when antecedence becomes the measurements even her chronic political opponents can attest for her, but then she is holding the mandate of the entire North Central Zone at the National level of the ruling party and her contributions during the recent general election will be an added advantage for her to get the ministerial slot of the North Central in all fairness.

Hajia Baiwa can be appointed as minister from the state outside the state government nomination based on her status, connection and contributions to the upliftment of the party.

Hajia Baiwa is a goal getter and a believer of positive aspirations, she has demonstrated her humane disposition in the past and in anticipation she will do more if giving the opportunity to serve at the Federal Executive Council.

It is important to note that both Prof Ocheni and Hajia Baiwa can be Ministers from Kogi State at the same time. Some State must have gotten it before and we might still have similar opportunity in this Change Government based on our support and contributions hence what is expected of us is to be focus and prayerful.

I want to also urge each and everyone one of us to always be guided and preserved the integrity of Igala Nation on the social network, both principal officers are of Igala extraction and in their various fora contributed to the growth and development of their motherland. Social media activists should not create enmity. God Almighty is the giver of power and whoever God destined to be that shall come to pass.

Let all those who are genuinely interested in building this great land of our ancestors come forward and there will earn the support of Abutu Eje, Amana Abogili, Okoliko, Akumabi, Itodo Aduga, Ayegba Oma – Idoko, Omaodoko, Inikpi and host of others whose labours shall not be in vain.

Our prayers are with you, wish you best of luck Hajia Salamatu Baiwa Umar-Eluma the Igala woman of substance and the amazon of our time.

– Sule Isa Akagwu Kpaleko
Anyigba, Kogi State

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