Kogi State: An Era of Devilish Conspiracy Against Our Common Economic Resources

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Few days ago, the e-media handlers of Kogi state government were busy polluting the e-atmosphere with stories of the purchase and commissioning of earth moving machine. Yes, many saw it. Even me saw it as a step in the right direction aimed at revitalizing and revamping the infrastructure sub-sector of the state. But the question is how truly is the step in the right direction?.

Out of curiosity, I decided to take a stroll to the venue of the commissioning, what I discovered were very alarming; another socio-economic scam, a fraud and a conspiracy of the greatest order via the use of projects intended for the benefit of all to economically emancipate themselves.

First of all, after a closer look at the machines I discovered that the painting on the machines were not factory painting but were repainted.

Secondly, the chain tyre on the excavator machine were worn out and rusted, an indication that it has been in operation for a long time. The tyre on the rollers and site dumpers were newly fixed, an indication that they replaced the already used tyres. The date of manufacturing on the earth moving equipment dates back to two decades ago, with some indicating the year 1997 and some indicating the 2000.

The just and true implication of the above is that the governor took million of tax payers money to go and purchase completely knocked down (C.K.D) and second hand earth moving machines, re-painted them and supplied them as new ones after appropriating money for new ones.

What a scam! 

That is not all, further implication is that since they are second hand machines the overhead/maintenance cost of those machine will be high, and I guess with the acclaimed lack of adequate resources in the hands of government, those machine will be left to rust when they develop mechanical faults. This is evident in the numbers of abandoned machines bought by previous administrations in the state.

Why will this present administration repeat the mistake of the past if not for the sole reason of of embezzlement of public funds via inflation of the cost of purchase of those machine and the subsequent approval of the overhead/ maintenance costs?

Ventures such as infrastructural development, road construction in particular and maintenance in the 21st century are perfectly undertaken by public private partnership via contracting the construction of those roads to private contractors. This will save the government the cost of purchasing those expensive machines and well as the subsequent overhead and maintenance cost. In fact, it is more cost effective and economically viable for the economy when those contracts are awarded to construction firm than government directly been involved, giving the indirect and direct benefit that the society stands to gain from casual employment and other economic boosting activities.

Lastly, I have said and will continue saying it that this administration has relegated common sense, economic and political wisdom to the background, while administrative and political-cum economic waste and foolishness has taken the driver seat.

It is time for critical socio-economic and political thinking that will salvage our dear state from total collapse. We pray and keep praying that God give us focused and vision-full leaders in Kogi state.


–  Sam Enemama Akubor

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