Kogi East: Who Is Afraid of Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji

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Signs that certain desperate characters within the Kogi East political space haven’t purged themselves of crude and unacceptable political conducts are beginning to manifest as we approach the 2019 election year.
Strangely, political participation in our own part of the world is often defined by bizarre, strange and uncivil practices which are clearly in contrast with acceptable tenets of constitutional democracy the world over. Past elections were characterized by violent attacks, murder, thuggery and character assassination. A section of our people, especially those who are desperate to occupy power are notorious for breaching all laid down rules and regulations guiding elections. Little wonder winners in most elections in Kogi East are decided in courts. Isn’t it shameful that litigations over Senatorial election that was held in 2015 still linger till date?
Aside flouting stipulated electoral guidelines with impunity, some of our people conduct themselves in very shameful and disgraceful manner. How political actors find it almost impossible to play by the rules and comport themselves in most responsible manners remains an issue that should be accorded the attention it deserves. It is high time we came up with well-throughout measures to curtail these unwholesome behaviours before they become normal.
I recently stumbled on an article written by one Daniel Odih and published by a Lokoja-based online media platform, ‘Kogi Reporters’. The writer, freely, without any modicum of caution and civility maligned the personality of Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji for no reason other than he ‘heard’ Dr. Adoji is eyeing the Kogi East Senatorial seat come 2019. The entire article was soaked in bitterness, envy and hatred. The sole aim of his piece was to simply drag the personality of Dr. Adoji in the mud.
Mr. Odih’s gibberish which he titled “Kogi East Senate 2019: The battle is beyond Victor, it is about Igala Land” sold him out as a hack, malicious and barely literate writer who hides behind devices to carryout hatchet jobs for his paymasters. He tried hard, though unsuccessfully, to dress himself in borrowed robes. But his shallow sense of reasoning as seen in his argument exposed him as a hack writer.
Mr. Odih had wanted us to see him as an illustrious son of the Igala kingdom who wants the best for his people. His submissions sold him out as a man who belongs to the coterie of seedy characters we are trying hard to expose their shenanigans across the Igala kingdom. Statesmen are not cowards. They do not hide behind pen names to malign, insult and denigrate their brothers and sisters.
The writer’s watery lines paint a grim picture of a mercantile writer who has met a hard nut to crack in Dr. Victor Adoji.  Why go after a man who has continued to live above aboard in all he does? Why try to shoot down the soaring political kite of a gentleman who through his pristine conducts, in and out of the banking sector, has brought honour and recognition to Kogi state as a whole and Igala land in particular? As at the last time I checked, the man Victor Alewo Adoji has no scandal linked to his name. Little wonder this paid writer kept going back and forth in his article looking for a blemish on the personality of Dr. Adoji.
While I won’t begrudge the paid writer for choosing to write in defence of his paymaster, Alhaji Jibrin Isah Echocho, my worry lies in his resolve to employ crude means to blackmail his boss’ potential opponent in order to chicken out of the 2019 Senatorial race. The vicious attacks on Dr. Adoji who only recently declared interest in the race is uncalled for.
Truly, who is afraid of Dr. Adoji’s soaring profile and wide acceptance across Igala land? The posters and billboards bearing his name and pictures located in strategic places in Kogi East are eloquent testimonies of the fact that he is the most capable hand to represent our troubled Senatorial zone in next year’s election. We cannot be sending or asking underachievers and incompetent people to represent us when we have loads of capable hands.
The whole of Kogi East is yearning for meaningful parliamentary representation, especially as it pertains to the Red Chamber. It is about putting our best foot forward. Dr. Adoji, given his cosmopolitan background, proven academic clout and unblemished career as a banker has what it takes to serve as our voice in the Senate. We aren’t unaware of the many shady deals some top bank executives in the country get involved just to enrich themselves. We also know those who attach immense premium to their names and backgrounds and have vowed never to indulge in criminal activities. Undoubtedly, Dr. Adoji is one of the very few top bank executives with no skeleton in his cupboard. Anyone in doubt should check it up.
The name of Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji was literarily on everyone’s lips at the recently held Igala Youth National carnival in Anyigba. Musicians, youth leaders, Nollywood actors and other performers at the event spoke so glowingly about him. The reception they accorded him at the event was massive, an indication that he is loved and appreciated by his people.
Let the message sink down in us. Regardless of the serial machinations of those who are scared of his towering political profile, we have all resolved to queue behind Dr. Adoji for the Kogi East Senatorial election come 2019 by the special grace of God.
– Omachi Isaac Achor

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