Kogi East No Longer Have Dominant Voice in National Affairs – Okai Laments

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By Abubakar Yunusa.

Dekina/Bassa federal house of representatives hopeful, Comrade Austin Okai has lamented the lack of Kogi East presence in the Nigeria affairs.

Okai said the situation is affecting the zone.

The activist also pointed out that Kogi East does not have any credible person to represent them at the federal level, despite having a Senator and three members of the House of Representatives, adding that “these people are not representing the interest of the Igala and Bassa people, but they’re representing the interest of their principal.”

The House of Representatives aspirant lamented the dilapidated nature of the ancient bridge linking Oguma the headquarters of Bassa Local Government Area of Kogi State and Sheria, a commercial city.

He said the bridge has become a nightmare and a source of concern as it has been abandoned by all successive governments for decades.

Okai, who disclosed this to journalists in Abuja, said that is something of concern that Kogi East is lagging behind in the execution of federal government projects and nobody seems to talk about it.

“If we continue to say is not my business, it would affect our children, and grandchildren tomorrow. Yes, it might be your problem or is not my business, but what about children? This is something that we should think about.

“We cannot continue to live like this. There is a need to change this direction because is not good for our people and if you say something, the same people you’re fighting for would give different names, but we are not afraid of that.

“Some people might think that is because I am contesting for Dekina-Bassa House of Representatives seat, but ask yourself as an APC and PDP in Kogi East, what kind of tangible project can you boast on in that area, nothing. We need those who can represent the interest of the common man in our senatorial zone,” he said.

He noted that “since Senator Ahmadu Ali brought Federal Poly Idah and Federal Government College, Ugwolawo, there is nothing over there again.

“Again, recently, the Federal Government established 12 Universities but no single one was allocated to the state, and even though there are, the senators and representatives members would use it to compensate their principal officers. For how long are continue like this?”

He, however, called on relevant stakeholders to join heads for the betterment of their land if not because of them, but because of their children.

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