Kogi Central Senate: Missionary Candidate Versus ‘Packaging’ Candidate (2)

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Isaac Asimov said something significant and I quote, “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’”
Distinguish ladies and gentlemen of our dear state Kogi, especially my home town Kogi Central, pardon me for taking you through the torture of having to read long articles from me. I cannot leave you alone because I have no business suggesting ways to fix other peoples’ problem when I have mine staring at me for help. It is clear to me that I was never a mistake to be born and brought up by you and for this reason I was born, for this purpose I came into the world that truth, justice and good governance must be preach regardless of the incessant threats coming from certain vested interests whose palettes were not sweetened by my savour.
The accidental public servant, having lost a sense of direction as to what to do to better the life of the people have resorted to threat to cage me, but with the backing of God and the people, I stand on a solid rock.
“It’s not the beauty of a building you should look at; its the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time” – David Allan Coe.
The ultimate criteria for serving one’s country should be competence, courage, skills, wisdom and willingness to serve. When we deny people the chance to serve because of their sex or gender and ethnicity or color of their skins, we deprive them of their rights of citizenship, and we deprive the society of equity.
The truth I tell you, imposing yourself on the people by attacking them with miscreants can only shake the foundations of our democracy and peace, but cannot add an inch of development to a people whose culture is built upon love, good character and unity. These new method of leadership in the land can only shatter and dent individual that practice it, but cannot dent the  value and the moral of our people, so i appeal to everyone to lend me their ears as i speak to our conscience as we approach 2019 general election title “LEADER WITH VISION VERSUS MANAGE LEADER”
Ladies and gentlemen, it will take peace and unity to get a society working democratically but when such simple law is violated expect the unexpected. If the only language of a leader is force the people to obey them then the leader need to enroll into leadership class for thorough training on leadership.
Democracy, pure democracy, has at least its foundation in a generous theory of human rights. It is founded on the natural equality of mankind. It is the cornerstone of a progressive society. It is the first element of all lawful government upon earth but when it’s abused and manipulated for selfish ambition and for fear of unknown then good governance have been tampered with.
I charge our leaders especially those committed with the responsibility of securing the live and properties of the people, to be bold and transparent at any given responsibility. First, they must strive to win the fight against poverty, hunger in the land rather than playing politics with the peoples’ welfare. Second, they must improve the moral standards of the society provide a strong foundation for good governance. Third, they must change their character toward opposition and those that have  contrary view against their system of governance as its demanded democratically for peace and unity to reign and to also promote a fertile ground for reforms 2019 and beyond.
Homas L. Friedman wrote and I quote; “When widely followed public figures feel free to say anything, without any fact-checking, it becomes impossible for a democracy to think intelligently about big issues.” Ladies and gentlemen, the youths of Kogi state, central precisely, the purpose of followers in politics is neither to take up arms against ourselves, nor to cause crisis in the society. It’s not to show ourselves as vulnerable, cheap and conscienceless followers for desperate politicians to use as thugs but to wisdomly and intellectually engage ourselves in defending our values, dignity and character in promoting peace, good governance and democracy in the nation, state and even at the local government level.
Abhijit Naskar wrote and I read; “In a society where the majority choose charisma over character, democracy does more harm than good to the actual progress of that society” it will be wicked on my path to say all is well in our land when it is obvious and clear to the blind that we are facing critical trial and hardship in the history of politics.
Kogi central you have been able to successfully produce 4-5 senators since the creation of kogi state 27 august 1991, none of these leaders ever remain the same financially, and business wide and their lifestyle never declined yet the constituency that produce them is sick, gasping for life. none of them are able to draw Federal government attention to our depleted road, no water, no viable project that can help in reducing unemployment and our education institution is at the mercy of government… what a shame.
My assignment is to open your eyes to see beyond anointing, nepotism, ethnicity and party monetary system of politics that seems to have render us voiceless and nothing before unskillful leaders.
2019 senatorial position is a call to work, a season of critical decision, a moment of sacrifice for our future, and period of getting the right peg that fit in the right whole… I know we have Senator Ahmed Ogembe, and Hon Yakubu Oseni but who can tell me their selfless service that can prompt you to entrust your destiny in their hands? Men who have been trusted with responsibility yet no tangible result. “The picture of a leader Is the picture of the society and the picture of the society is the picture of their leaders. Poor leaders poor society and this is who we are today but guest what?  there is hope. please listen to me, don’t take this to be campaign but truth that we all know.
Barr Natasha Apoti does not only took her life to the street but committing her resources and time touching lives, given hope to the hopeless, holding the government to take responsibility of the injustice done in Kogi central without been voted or saddle with public office. Championing Ajaokuta Revival Project that eventually draw attention of Federal Government, think about this and let your conscience vote wisely.
The best of central can be achieve when we allow the best of us to preside over the rest us with a clear vision written in the heart of every citizens instead of managing and packaging someone for personal interest that will end up not benefiting the rest us (society).
The gospel of good governance is the gospel I cannot stop preaching.
It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; its the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time. David Allan Coe
You can’t build a great building (good governance) on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation if you’re going to have a strong superstructure.
To be effective in RED CHAMBER the foundation and the manner need to be considered, you cannot get to power in compromise and crook and expect to stand up for good governance. You may need to please your boss and democracy is not build on godfather-ism but on the principle of transparency, accountability and credibility.
This is why we must shun ethnicity, sentiment, clannishness and insecurity and choose the best and the fittest among them, but I advise you to choose Barr Hadiza Natasah Apoti because of her zeal and passion for industrial society and the well being of the people of Nigeria especial Kogi central.
Listen ladies and gentlemen, politicians are our Employee and we are their employer but employee loyalty begins with employer.  our employees (politicians /representatives) it is high time they should know that if they do the job they were hired to do with a reasonable amount of competence, efficiency, transparency and accountability we will support them and tell them to our children and if they do otherwise our mouth is a pen of radio writer and we will unleash out tongue on them without fear of intimidation, sentiment and devour of insecurity.
Barr Natasha Apoti’s faithfulness in the little assignment she engage herself with over the years have earned her respect, and trust among her contemporary  that many are willing to support her political ambition…this are the type of leaders we are looking for. We are in the season where we can no longer give our fish to cat to keep for us. No wonder Robin S. Sharma said, “Basically, to lead without a title is to derive your power within the organisation not from your position, or godfather but from your competence, effectiveness, relationships, excellence, innovation and ethics.” Kogi central wake up and choose your leaders come 2019 election.
Kogi Central will never be the same again as we choose and vote wisely in 2019 and beyond.
– Ogo’Ogu MD

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