Recent Economic indicators has listed Kogi State as one state in Nigeria that has the potential of becoming one of the fastest growing economies in Nigeria.
Prudence and ingenuity in public finance management, leading to higher revenues and an enabling climate for private investment is reason behind the State success.
This feat has no doubt attracted Local and foreign investments into the state because of its good footing.
The progress of Kogi State within the last two years is not restricted only to Economic Policies, the State without mincing words, is now far better governed than it was in times past.
Based on available and noticeable indicators, Kogi State is presently witnessing good governance, less of corruption in governance, with the State having better bureaucrats and having transparency built into ways of conducting government businesses.
Although much still needs to be done, Kogi State in just two years,under the present administration is on the right track.
Kogi State is becoming a first choice for industrialists and entrepreneurs in the country. This no doubt is made possible by the Captain Idris Wada administration. It is also made possible by competitiveness and good governance, introduced into government’s transactions.
For a state that has attracted general investors, culminating into the signing of several memorandum of understanding (MoU),it only shows that an enabling environment has been created and made more attractive for investors.
The state has within the last two years signed about eleven MoU which has created employment opportunities and other socio-economic benefits to the state.
Several of the MoU which are in the area of Agriculture has no doubt placed Kogi State on the world Map of Agriculture as a potential food basket in the nation.
It is no longer news that until recently, the state only boost of untapped potentials, today, the State has taken its rightful please in the Agriculture sector and has become a destination for investors.
Though relatively peaceful state in the past, Kogi state is today a haven of peace and tranquillity. This has added more impetus and confidence to investors. of course under a not too peaceful climate and anxiety, investors and businessmen would shy away.
They would avoid the state like plague and economy would plummet with the rise in crime and social vices.
But today, under the Capt. Wada’s administration, the state is witnessing rapid development as many jobs are created for its teaming unemployed. A sustained social safety net that is evident in child and maternal mortality rate,reduction in HIV/AIDs and an award in polio eradication.
Today in Kogi State the political climate of fear for doing business has gone as people live their lives without distractions while they enjoy their inalienable rights of free speech.
This and other courtesy’s made possible by the friendly administration’s peaceful environment that promotes economic activities in the state.
Even across party and other divides, there is an affirmation of what is generally acknowledged as sincerity and transparency in governance by the duo of Capt Idris Wada and Yomi Awoniyi.
Among some of the significant investments Capt Wada’s administration has attracted include; that with the UN-Habitat on city structure plan to better integrate physical, spatial and social aspects of the state.
Others are those with KIABO Engineering Group, Hong Kong, Reprom Company Limited aimed towards re-activating the abandoned Ajaokuta steel plant among others.
Blessed with abundant agricultural land, many moribund industries and a whole lot of tourism potentials, Capt. Wada on assumption of office, promised to turn around the fortune of a state considered rich in potentials, but placed last in all Nigeria’s social and economic indices.
As things currently stands, Capt Wada’s transformation agenda is culminating into building of Houses for civil servants, people affected by the 2012 flood, improved infrastructures across the state, coupled with a sustained transformation education policy.
All of these could not have been made possible without the dogged determination of the Wada’s administration who is opening the state to multiple streams that would secure the state in the future.
Today, government is waging war against illegal taxes and fees but with serious drive that has relatively increased the states internally generated revenue.
Government has also plugged several loop-holes in the old system, automating revenue collection processes, encouraging residents to pay taxes as prescribed by law and removing all bottlenecks in the interface of the public with the government on one hand and with government agencies on the other.
The Capt. Wada’s administration has publicly displayed its zero tolerance for corruption. Processes in government are less prone to corruption; as witness through regular payment of salaries and provision of more friendly environment which serves as motivation.
With a floodgate of requests for investment in the state, several industries have already established businesses in the state with others on the verge and at various stages of building theirs. These new firms would on completion no doubt complement the Wada administration in the State.
All of these efforts by the Wada administration in ensuring a fresh of new breadth is a testimony to the doggedness and commitment with which he has run governance in the last two years.
It is also an efforts to deliver on the popular mandate freely given to him by the people on 3rd December, 2011 and to prove that with the support and prayers of the people, Kogi State will truly emerge and re-open for development and progress.
A BREADTH OF FRESH AIR is a news commentary written by ABU MICHEAL, Chief Press Secretary to Kogi State Deputy