Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu: Why We Should Consider Another Candidate Aside Teejay Yusuf

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Clarion and awakening call on the people of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu (KBI) constituted authority.
Our pedigree and political configuration will never allow us to be mute with political injustice and fight for the progress of KBI through grand and efficient representation paddled by a safe giant for the betterment of the constituency.
We tend not to mutilate any individual but to speak out the truth. I have highlighted some political act of malocclusion that have been sponsored by a returning aspirant clamouring for the seat of KBI representation, named Hon. Teejay Yusuf.
1) Disposition Error: Hon Teejay Yusuf lacks fact in his disposition at the National Assembly. This error tend not to conform and align with the people of progressive, as this trait seems verisimilitudinous to political rodomontadists.
2) Sagacity Inclination: Hon. Teejay Yusuf’s level of sagacity and temerity tend to always create discord and generate incapacitated questions. Blood of KBI are known for proactiveness and pragmatic leadership.
3) Need Priority: Part of the quality of a good leader is to posses the unsubdued capacity to understand the need of his people but the reverse is the case of Hon Yusuf as you have unveiled this agenda in various capacities which has tend to have misinform the vulnerable masses.
4) Value: I am yet to understand what germinated the abnegation of your people, a reference title to the period  when Owe people met with him for help. All he told them was “it is well” without adding value to them. This attitudinal characteristics tends for call an interference of your ancestors as we await their justice on this because what should be your utmost priority is what you have matched in the face of disgrace and political negligence.
5) I am also yet to understand how your level of sagacity can surpass the majority, because Teejay has always come to play on the intelligence of the people by telling them “Owe Agenda”. Where was he when we were coronating the Obaro of Kabba? Teejay has never for once pandered towards the interest of his people. His egocentric agenda and quality has germinated a blindfold which has killed his availability capacity in the face of the majority.
6) To my fellow youths, when would our own time comes, let us abstain from bad government by exchanging and marketing our future for tokens.
One thing I am sure of is that, in as much as we continue to play the politics of sentiment then our environment will not progress and we tend to wallow in unfavourable conditions which can only but germinate discord.
7) Constituency Projects: I must commend Teejay’s effort even though it tend to add little or no value to the people he represents. He has built a lot of primary schools in a lot of villages but we must say the truth – that is never our problem, because the question remains, HHow many people take their children to public nursery/primary school again? Obviously, few percentage. This shows our needs is not what he is offering to the people. There are better ways to improve the well being of education but he is not aware because he never made availability and consultation a priority, which is audible to the deaf and visible to the blind.
8) Disrespect for Rule of Law: Looking at Hon Yusuf’s political approach and characteristics as unveiled during the inconclusive primary election, this is a man who hijacked the electoral material and input his name which is against the rule of law. The worst corruption is not to abide by the rules. What does this portray? How long are we going to continue to grow one family in Kabba? Or, is Aboyomi Bello not part of us again?
I need Hon. Teejay to provide answer to the questions above. Yes, I am aware he is a politician who have answers to all questions but now we have tolerated your political characteristics up to the brim and it is so unfortunate it is not going in line of progress.
A politician like Hon Teejay Yusuf is no candidate who will paddle us to the promise land because the memory lane of your political configuration is nothing to document in our book of progressives. For our constituency to be fruitful and being worthy of emulation, then a candidate like Hon Teejay Yusuf should be ruled out out of the list of progressive candidates.
Let it jingle in your mind that, where there is no man, there is God.
– Oloruntoba Godwin
Kabba-Bunu LGA.

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