Issue of New National Minimum Wage

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It is a known fact that the Federal Government of Nigeria under President Muhammadu Buhari’s watch is insensitive to the plight, yearning and aspiration of the workers in Nigeria. Majority of us understand that.

The issue of national minimum wage is a fundamental and/or constitutional issue because there’s a law in the land that says that “National Minimum Wage must be reviewed from time to time”. In the face of the law, it’s not a privilege as perceived by the All Progressive Congress led-Federal Government but it is a right.

Also, it’s the right of Nigeria Labour Congress, Trade Union Congress, and other labour union bodies in Nigeria to agitate for better welfare, salary increment, demand for minimum wage when the need arises and so on.

It is expected of the government at the centre to give directive to the government at state and local government levels to implement the policy without further delay but it is clear to Nigerians that President Muhammadu Buhari lacks the political will to make such pronouncement because of the forthcoming presidential election. He don’t want to have issue(s) with those guys because of his political ambition. It’s a pity.

I want to call on the labour union leaders in Nigeria to be resolute and law abiding in course of fighting for their fundamental human right. I want them to use any possible means under the law to drive home their point in order to make life more meaningful and enjoyable for the workers in particular and Nigerians in general.

Nigerians should be ready to vote out the government that is less concern about their welfare and vote for Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, Peoples Democratic Party, PDP Presidential Candidate and Former Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria next month.

– Yusuf Adeyanju Yisau, MPR, ANIPR, MIMMA

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