Int’l Peace Day: Foundation Tasks Nigerians on Respect, Dignity for All

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Nigerians have been tasked to stand up together for peace, respect, safety, and dignity for all.

The appeal was made by Moses Adedeji, Executive Director of Trees on Earth Foundation during the this year’s International Peace Day.

He stated that the event brings the importance of peace to the collective consciousness of the citizens by stressing the importance of peace through attitude, actions, roles and responsibilities.

“This year’s theme, ‘Together for Peace, Respect, Safety and Dignity for All’, is very timely and coming at a critical period in our national life premised by agitations for self-determination, call for referendum and direct threats to boycott elections in Biafran territory from the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and government’s response through the military exercise (Operation Python Dance 2) which has further fueled tensions in the south-east and the country at large. This has brought about division along ethnic and religious lines with untold hate in the country. He described peace as priceless and veritable tool in conflict resolution, management and in preventing and countering radicalization and violent extremism in Nigeria.

“The importance of peace cannot be overemphasized at this point in time hence the theme for this year’s International Peace Day,” he said.

He noted that the objective of the national policy framework on preventing and countering violent extremism produced by the Office of the National Policy Adviser is building safer, peaceful and resilient communities. CLEEN Foundation/TEDF intervention on building community resilience through participation in North-Central contributes to the realization of this national objective.

He added that TEDF in collaboration with CLEEN Foundation will carry out advocacy meetings to traditional leaders, religious leaders, youths and women leaders to advocate for peace, respect, safety and dignity of all in Nigerian.

He appealed to Nigerians to eschew divisions, hate, ethnic and religious bigotry and embrace peace for stability and development of our country.

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