I Won My 2019 Re-election Without Thugs – Kogi Governor

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Kogi State Governor, Yahaya Bello, has explained that, contrary to what is in the public space, he won the November 16, 2019 governorship poll without the use of ‘boys’ or thugs.

Bello made this known on Wednesday during an interview on Channels Television breakfast programme, Sunrise Daily.

The governor, who was re-elected last year on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, said political thuggery was the norm in Kogi before he came into power but he “refused to play that kind of dangerous or unnecessary politics” when he came on board as governor of the North Central state.

“I won my election free and square. The police, the DSS, the military and all law enforcement agencies have their facts. Don’t listen to the things they peddle out there. When I see those things, I simply laugh and say how I wished they come to Kogi State to see for themselves.

“When I came on board, I inherited a state that was largely divided along several lines. For you to aspire to be anything politically in Kogi State then, you must have what we call ‘boys’ or thugs or touts and then use it to intimidate people during political dispensations.

“But I refused to play that kind of dangerous or unnecessary politics when I came on board. My ascension to office is known to everybody in the world. I chose my path immediately and decided to deal with criminals irrespective of political affiliations by using the laws passed by the Kogi State House of Assembly and the existing security architecture,” he said.

Bello stated that Nigeria will be a safe place to live in when politicians stop the use of thugs and criminals during elections.

“When politicians begin to stop the use of thugs, touts or some group of criminals, that is when we will begin to have safety and security in our land.

“Once the political exercise is over, the so-called boys or thugs or foot soldiers would be abandoned and then left to themselves and by that, they breed into something else or a hydra-headed monster that you will not be able to curb at the end of the day. There are several history and intelligence to that across the country.”

However, local and international electoral observers have said the November 16, 2019 Kogi State Governorship Election was marred with violence and bloodshed.

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