I Will Never Give Up in The Struggle That You and I Are Involved In

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By Hon Alfa Tijani.

Following the judgement delivered on 20th September, 2016 by the Supreme Court, all the right thinking Kogites and Nigerians were angry. I have been pleasantly surprised at the number of peoples who called me to express their shock and disgust at the sanction taken against Hon James Abiodun Faleke.

The many text messages, phone calls, FB posts and other signs of solidarity have been very encouraging. I thank you all for this new round of inspiration and reassurance. Regardless of any sanctions, I want to give you all the confidence that I will not give up in the struggle that you and I are involved in. Whatever may happen, all of us have got to remain focused so that we are able to move our state forward in the way of justice, peace and unity. We cannot give up.

I have described the judgement delivered by the Supreme Court as the ‘However Verdict’. The reason is very simple: After having found that an offence was committed, the judges went on to redeem the offence by using the word ‘However’. At the end of the day we can morally claim victory since both the electoral irregularities and the offences were presented, argued and accepted by the Constitutional Court. They simply failed to convert their findings into offences because this would have rendered the election null and void.

I will never give up because I believe in the struggle I am involved in. It is not about me as an individual, but rather about the people of Kogi and our beautiful State. We are all involved in making our State a real paradise where we can be counted for what we are and what we aspire to become in the future. We shall free our youths from the bondage of drugs (TM) and alcohol. As a reconciled and united people, we shall be able to stand strong and forge the best future for ourselves and future generations.

Friends, once again, thank you all for reading my post. Thank you for keeping me in the mission of changing our state. We will make it because our intentions are good. Let us all continue to stand by our people and make their aspirations come true. I will walk with you and I will NEVER give up.

The Constitutional Court may have ruled against Audu Faleke Ticket, HOWEVER Hon Alfa Tijani will never give up on the mandate. I await God’s justice on Kogi State.

Credit: Muhammad Bashir Muhammad

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