How Rabiu Alfa is Building Worship Centres Across Ankpa 2; Egwula – Enjema at a Glance

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By Comrade A. M. Nasiru.
For the people of Ankpa II and particularly Christian and Muslim faith adherents, the reign of Hon Alhaji Alfa Momoh Rabiu is a Godly era owning to his hand of fellowship been sent across since his inception of office.
Like the rising of a morning sun, these endeavors of the lawmaker kick started like the eruption of a volcano and had today spread across hills and valleys. From the villages of Ojoku to the Roots of Enjema, except he is not told, there is always a seed for him to sow in the work of God – building worship centres(churches and Mosques).
So, this he has been doing without renege nor backslide as Egwula community now take its turn of the honorable’s magnanimity.
For the people of Egwula, politics was just to cast votes and wait for another four years to hear promises that shall never become until the emergence of Hon Alfa Momoh Rabiu who practically and consistently changed the old order of politics by enacting accountability, respect for the electorate, absolute trust and unrivalled egalitarianism. Virtues which are traceable in his humane and socioeconomic wherewithal to all that concerns his people in so far as it is for the good of a great number.
Absolutely in due cognizance of the foregoing, Mallam Ismail popularly referred to as “Pepper” brought to the attention of the honorable member an age long community central mosque which is long under construction as he swings to action in his own usual way of magnanimity and philanthropic gesture for both God and humanity.
The Mosque which at the point of call stopped at roofing is to the glory of God at its completed stage with ongoing final finishing during the honorable’s visit to check work progress.
Impressed by his impromptu arrival, several faith adherents around offered special prayers for the honorable and took time to extol several of his other activities which are poised at impacting the well being of the people of the area.
In a related development, Hon Alhaji Alfa Momoh Rabiu also made a cash donation of one hundred thousand naira as his own personal contribution to the expansion of Enjema central mosque project even as he assured of his commitment to future support in relative proportion with work progress.
It will be recalled that Hon Rabiu Alfa recently declared a self imposed emergency in power provision to Churches across the constituency, a development that saw to him among other endeavors celebrating Easter with UEC Enabo and RCC Inye whilst he silently assist several other churches he prevented from been in public prints.

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