Hon Leke Abejide: Beyond Payment of WAEC Fees

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According to Malcolm X; “education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”.

True leaders don’t create followers; they create more leaders, that is the exemplary leadership attitude Hon Leke Abejide is exuding to the people of his Constituency through scholarship. He is of the opinion that people without education are like weapons without bullet, because education is exceedingly instrumental for the realization of one’s innate self, strength, natural fitness, and factual being. It is so necessary and essential that its insufficiency or absence may lead one to choose improper path of life. That is why education is at the top of Hon Leke Abejide’s developmental agenda pyramid. He has been supporting education at different levels even before vying for any political office.

The man Honourable Leke Abejide is a human developer, who believes that if his people are self-reliance and sufficient is better rather than baiting them with peanut during election.

Through Leke Abejide’s Foundation many lives across Yagba Federal Constituency have been touched through training of youths, soft loans, grants and empowerment of various kinds.

His developmental strides cannot be overemphasized; his immediate intervention in the reconstruction of Takete bridge which has cut-off the good of South East Yagba from the rest of Yagba land is commendable. His project on water for all has brought new boreholes to many communities in Yagba land. He has been given hope to the less privilege, widows and widowers through the distribution of food items and clothing materials across the Constituency. His yearly medical outreach has healed many age-long and terminal diseases.

Hon Leke Abejide is a vibrant lawmaker who has been lobbying and making sure his people are not short-changed in any Federal Government jobs. He has been sponsoring and supporting motions with direct impact on his people. He has been lending his voice on some salient issues pertaining his Constituency and Nigeria as whole.

Amongst the bills he his preparing to sponsor in the green Chamber is a bill for the creation of Federal College of Food Technology in Yagbaland to provide full-time courses leading to the award of ND, HND and other related certificated courses.

In October 2019, he appealed passionately to the Federal Government to take over the abandoned Federal Government Girls College projects in Yagba Federal Constituency and rescind from handing it over to the State Government.

Hon Leke Abejide has move several motions which include; motion on the need to harmonize the Issuance and Sale of Emblems and Stickers on motor vehicles, motion on the need to phase-out unpainted taxi and cabs in FCT to curb kidnapping and robbery, motion to allow Not Valid for Forex Open Form for international transactions etc.

A compendium achievements of Hon Leke Abejide will be published soon to let the people of Yagba Federal Constituency know his numerous achievements and to know that his achievements are far beyond WAEC Fees payment. 

– Sule Iroko writes from Isanlu, Kogi state.

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