Federal Govt, Iyamoye-Kabba Road Is A Route To Death – Balogun Emmanuel

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The importance of well maintained roads to any given society cannot be overemphasized. In Nigeria, however, the substandard quality of the roads, their subsequent neglect and non-maintenance have affected businesses within many communities who would have otherwise benefited from the infrastructure.

In Kogi state, the number of good roads is declining. This tendency is evident in the Iyamoye-Kabba road, the sorry state of this road has become an embarrassing stigma, hence normal interactions has been frustrated by the appalling road. It is not just that this road is impassable that we find very disturbing, it is also the fact that the dangerous spots and detours along the road have also become convenient operating centers for highway robbers who lay siege to unsuspecting motorists and other road users.

This is aside the notorious fact that the poor state of this road hampers economic activities as several tonnes of farm produce and other products cannot be transported to areas where they are needed.

In the rainy season that we are now in, many communities have practically been cut off, even if there is an emergency security situation, police cannot access the scene because of the pathetic road. A trip that should take 20 minutes takes more than one hour ordeal, Transporters are lamenting the loss of revenue. It is almost a hopeless situation because traveling on this road has been hellish for residents. There have also been accidents and in some cases loss of lives and property. Trailers and tankers are quite vulnerable.

These tales of burden, woe and neglect is nothing to write home about. It will soon be Christmas time when Nigeria experiences an upsurge in commuter traffic. With this road being in such poor and impassable state it is doubtful whether individuals would be prepared to put themselves through the rigors of a punishing journey merely for the sake of celebrating the yuletide with their kith and kin and friends.

But all this is happening in a country where there are several agencies, including the Federal Ministry of Works responsible for the construction and maintenance of roads. The federal government at least on paper awarded the contract for the rehabilitation of this road network, but nothing concrete is on ground. The citizens of Kabba feel trapped with nowhere to turn.

We yet appeal to the authorities involved in road construction and maintenance to buckle down and do something to remove this blot on our image.

– Balogun Emmanuel Funsho writes from Kabba, Kogi State.

He can be reached on 07034444976 or irule9ja@gmail.com

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