Equity as Solution to Socio-political, Economic and Devt Degradation in Kogi State (1) by Makanjuola

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I think I have become so quite on this issue of power shift, so I deem it fit to air out my opinion in order for history and posterity to forgive me.

Political observers, within and outside KOGI STATE have called my attention to their disappointment on the recent declaration by different groups on endorsement of some particular candidates. The governorship election in KOGI STATE particularly the APC primary election will present an interesting scenario. It perhaps will be one of the toughest in the country and may be shaped by the same factors which influenced the outcome of the just concluded presidential election.

As campaigns are being wound up it has become clear that it is going to be a tough struggle between the Kogi east senatorial district and Kogi West-Kogi Central senatorial districts.

The struggle for political ascendency by the OKUN and EBIRA people of KOGI STATE has been a perennial struggle ,when leading agitators thought the battle was almost over new permutations have been thrown in. However, the last few days have witnessed intensive consultations and lobbying by the over 28 governorship aspirants in Kogi state ahead of the governorship election.

They have continued to weather on, “criss-crossing” the entire state, engaging in high level consultations with political stakeholders in order to drum up support for their aspiration.

However, various equity groups have vociferous to the ear of everyone who cares to listen that justice and equity demand that other zones in KOGI STATE (KOGI WEST AND KOGI CENTRAL) should produce the next governors.  It is quite interesting watching the shenanigans currently unfolding on the state, and where does this leave the Kogi central and Kogi west senatorial zone. Perhaps, we shall find the right answer by going down the democratic memory lane and setting the records straight.

The arguments about zoning or no zoning arrangement does not fly in the face of equity, justice and fair play which are the hallmarks of democracy.

Since the creation of Kogi state on 27th august 1991, there has been 5 democratic governors Namely Abubakar Audu (January 1992-November 1993) from Kogi east, Abubakar Audu (29th may 1999- 29th may 2003) from Kogi east, Ibrahim Idris (29th may 2003-6th February 2008) from Kogi east, Clarance olafemi (Acting Gov. 6th February 2008-5th April 2008) from Kogi west, Ibrahin Idris (5th April 2008-27th January 2012) from Kogi west, Idris Wada (27th January 2012-till date) from Kogi east.

Looking at the democratic analysis above, it is clear that no non-Igala has ever been elected as the governor of the state. This has however gave me the right to conclude that this happenings have been the bedrock which has made the state to be contending with poor revenue base amidst infrastructural, human capital and social needs. Internally generated revenue has been a source of concern and its share of statutory allocation barely scratches the challenges. However anyone who aspires to lead the state must have an articulated program on how to harness the revenue potential of the state and administer it in the areas that will impact most in the development of the state.

Given the facts articulate above, it is inconceivable for our brothers in the east to scheme to hang on to power come 21st NOVEMBER 2015 on the premise that there have never been any zoning agreements in the state. Everybody knows the unseen hand behind this political charade and where the stooge that is being schemed to take over from the incumbent governor is coming. It will be naive to assume that power cannot change hands in the state come 21st NOVEMBER 2015. A typical example of this possibility is the next door plateau state, where the plateau southern man, Rt. Hon. Simon Lalong swept its way into power through equity.

To finalize this episode of the article I will like to stat that power is indeed very sweet, intoxicating and competitive, but equity, justice and fair play which are bedrock of the development and unity should be considered as the central topic.

Makanjuola Dahunsi F. (08108433862)
Director General, Kogi Youth Progressive Initiative (K.Y.P.I.)

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