Enemies as Inadvertent Supporters; Hajia Salamtu Baiwa as a Case-in-Hand

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Throughout history and beyond the era of enlightenment, challenges, failures and adversities have been the undercurrent(s) of innovation, success and advancement. Added to this is the person-specific adversity-quotient which empirical evidence clearly shows drubs IQ (Intelligence Quotient) in influence and gumption.
A huge learning point from the court victory of the enigma and dainty phenomenon called Hajia Salamatu Baiwa is simply that, while people may seek to put you down, the onus is yours to rebuff and in fact, rise and soar.
Without the office theatrics, there wouldn’t have been a fillip and she perhaps wouldn’t have ventured into partisan politics (another arena where she’s destined to impart and impact).  On this new platform, I’m confident that her well-honed Entrepreneurial Orientation, especially her unique acumen and rare boundary-spanning capabilities put her in pole-position to  thwack beyond the  “close-circuits” of  her traducers who have unwittingly fast-tracked her engagement at a broader-level.
Another learning point: when folks throw stones at you, deliberately determine to build a bridge (from the stones) and not a wall that may ultimately stifle you: “power lies in deeds” and not words or tokenism.
In the end, we are grateful to those (known and unknown) who stoked the fires and we are enamored by the tenacity, “Inikpiesm” as an IGALA and untainted focus that berthed this milestone.
According to George Bernard Shaw, “you see things and say “why”; but I dream things that never were and I say “why not?”. Hajia Salamatu Baiwa is undoubtedly a “why not?” personality and I’m confident this will hugely reflect in her latest representational ambition.
– Victor Alewo Adoji

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