Encomiums as Kogi Speaker, Halims, Others Celebrate Edward Onoja @46

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Speaker of the Kogi State House of Assembly, Prince Matthew Kolawole has described the Deputy Governor of the state, Chief Edward Onoja as an astute politician, a successful banker and a progressive to the core.

In a statement issued in Lokoja on Sunday to commemorate Onoja’s 46th birthday, Kolawole said it is deserving to celebrate an icon and a distinguished personality that have shown strong character of his unwavering loyalty and support to his principal over years. 

He said the celebrant has continued to display his dexterity of passionate love for the overall development of not only Igala land,  Kogi State but the entire humanity.

In his message to the deputy governor, member representing Ankpa federal constituency in the House of Representatives, Hon. Abdullahi Ibrahim Halims described Onoja as “a man of many fronts, a detribalised leader, a visionary guardian and an astute public servant.”

“Onoja has been the destiny helper of many people and by the special grace of God, his destiny can never be surpassed by any mortal, not even for any reason. He will grow to the peak of God’s will and fulfill his choicest desire in life, which is human capital development.

“Ankpa, Omala and Olamaboro Federal Constituency of Kogi State is particularly proud of you and we join the rest of Kogi cum the Nigerian people to say a very happy birthday to you.”

For Kogi State chairman of United Labour Congress (ULC), Chief Onoja is a man with a heart of gold.

“You have sown in the life of the down trodden in society, wiped away tears from the eyes of many, catalysed rural and infrastructural infrastructural in many of our community.

“Your sacrifices of love to humanity has touched the high heavens, an equivalent of the sacrifices of King Solomon in the book of ,1st Chronicles. To that effect, the good Lord bless and be gracious unto you, he shall cause his face to shine upon you, and decorate you with his ornament of high favour, now and always.”

Also, the leadership of Nigeria Christian Youths Political Platform (NICHYPP) joined other well wishers to felicitate with the Deputy Governor of Kogi state.

NICHYPP, in a felicitation message issued by her National Publicity Secretary, Pastor Isaac Wisdom in Kaduna on Sunday, extolled the Deputy Governor for his outstanding contributions to the development of Kogi state, the Christian community and the nation at large.

The group described Onoja as “a political colossus, astute administrator, enthusiastic leader of impeccable value with strong believe in Christ our Lord.”

“We can’t forget your role as a Godly politician and the sacrifice made by you to have the first Government House Chapel in Lokoja since 1999 and other fantastic moves for the body of Christ in the state. 

“We appreciate your uncompromising posture on the issues of injustice and raising young people, both politically and otherwise in Nigeria,” he said.

The group stated that Chief Onoja remain the cornerstones of Nigeria democracy and a shinning light in God’s army especially with his track record of persistence, consistency and effective leadership for younger generation.

Kogi State Medical Students’ Association (KOMSA) was not left out as individuals and organizations poured encomiums on Chief Onoja.

National President of KOMSA, Elukpo Jeremiah described the Deputy Governor as an exemplary leader.

“He has exhibited uncommon wisdom, remarkable vision and exemplary leadership. We, at KOMSA, pray that the Deputy Governor will be graced with many more years filled with sound health.”

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