Education and The Future of Our State by Bamidele C.Y.

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Our education has faced myriad of challenges. In the recent past, the sector has been in the news for all the wrong reasons ranging from the teachers’ strike, a wave of arson in schools and a widespread national examinations leakage.
Our education should be adequately shaped to meet our future development needs.
Education should be given a major priority.  We need to make our children see that the government appreciates education
By helping to rehabilitate all dilapidated educational infrastructure due to severe rain storm across various local governments through the state and help to put up new ones to promote quality teaching and learning.
All these projects mentioned can only be executed with the support of all assembly members by donating funds in their various local governments and also get involved in revenue mobilization by educating their people to honour their tax obligation.
Concerted efforts of the people can also make the development agenda realizable.
It has come to my notice that there had been a lot of non-working staff in schools across the state, these are not what we want. Recruiting well qualified, ready-to-work teachers would have a positive effects on the students
Education is about the here and now as well as the future, but schools should also address the wider condition and needs of children and society in today’s complex world.
I appeal to students across the state to make learning a habit. All things are put in place to aid your advance in learning. Say no to vandalism of your school equipment, successful learner in the modern society should be able to integrate knowledge from different sources, educate and self-educate throughout the life in order to be competitive in an increasingly globalized labour market. 
So students should involve in self-education process and encourage their independence in learning .
At the heart of expanding your social graph, reinventing yourself is an unquenchable desire to learn a mindset that stays fluid and facilitates personal growth. It is the learners, that is willing to open their minds and augment their skill sets, will be poised to succeed in the future.
– Bamidele C.Y
An Educationist
Acct/lokoja LGEA.

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