Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji is a Star in The Darkened Skies

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I am impelled by misconceptions from sycophants and malevolent individuals, ill-reputing the image of Dr Victor Alewo Adoji. This extremely low, mischievous presumptions though cannot weigh a gram on Adojis (his supporters), is a clear manifestation of the declaration that some Kogites still slumbers between selfishness and honesty.

No wonder, Kogi East Senatorial districts have witnessed unprecedented retardation in terms of socio-economic development, occasioned by grooming of clueless individuals and the ‘crumbs of compassion’ syndrome. Simply put, we have dug for ourselves, a grave in which common will was buried.

Emphatically, Mr Odih Daniel has proven to be one of these toadies whose hankering for political recognition kept orchestrating wrong judgment on Adoji’s Senatorial aspiration. Let me say this first of all, that Dr VAA’s Senatorial ambition is a duty call. Owing to the various misrepresentation, self aggrandizement, tribalism and nepotism among our leaders (past and present) – those Odih quoted as; “Some of the people that vie for political positions in Igala land do so because they see politics as a quick way of getting cosmic power and personal riches”

Apparently, Odih’s anointed candidate, Mr Jibril Isah Echocho is undoubtedly one of the ‘GIVE TO TAKE’ politicians who spend their hard earned money not because of what they stands to offer but what they hope to gain thereafter.

Recalled that Echocho vied for the governorship position on the platform of People’s Democratic party but failed woefully. After been instigated of his relevance by those hoping to benefit from him, he wrestled ignorantly against the power of incumbency. But behold, his governorship ambition could not see the light of the day.

Mr Odih sir, I do not wish to make your write ups look like an oil on a white cloth. But at this juncture, it’s imperative to bring certain facts to the fulcrum. Firstly, by examining politics as a game. If you must stand tall in politics, you must be newfangled -STRATEGIES must be the cover page of your career. This is where your anointed candidate Echocho petered out. He couldn’t realize that Ibrahim Idris, the then governor of Kogi state had anointed his son in-law against his party’s wish and would without remorse use his power as the siting governor where necessary. Therefore, your write up titled “Echocho Makes A Better Senator Than Victor Adoji” published in kogireports.com (February 2018) where you accused Igala people of impoverishing Echocho was ironical. As a matter of fact, it’s a direct misrepresentation of facts. If Echocho had gotten his political priorities right, he wouldn’t have allowed himself to be wooed.

More odiously, after losing the court case to Wada, his (Echocho) business cum political associate, Alhaji Abubakar Rajab announced Echocho’s exit from Kogi politics. A statement that was neither affirmed nor debunked. Instead, we saw defection as last resorts. Now, Echocho is in the camp of a tyrant whose moral and political disposition has got questions in the lip of everyone. Is this not FRUSTRATIONS? Of course, it is.

A visionary leader whose mission goes beyond the tradition of acquiring retinue of wealth from politics will not associate with  governor Yahaya Bello’s administration. Besides, if Echocho was as good as Odih painted of him, why was he denied the deputy governorship slot instead of a man who appeared in the state legislative chamber for screening but simply passed without been asked a single question?

An ardent follower of events that have unfolded in our political space especially in 2015 will attest to the fact that Echocho vigorously campaigned for GYB. Therefore, his fealty to this government should have won him a staunch statesmanship. But on the contrary, Echocho’s entente with GYB could be best described as a working tools which is only sought for, on a need-arise basis. Be that as it may, aside the fact that his alliance with this government actually questions whom he is and what he truly represents, every rational Kogites will discern a cheap plot by GYB and his Chief of staff to get a soft landing in Kogi east come 2019. But as long as there is a scar after an injury. It would not stand a candle light.

Mr Odih Daniel N. Sir, is it not clear, going by the above facts that Echocho will make the worst senator if elected? A man whose political career is still an infant yet cannot account for his actions. As far as sycophants are on rampage, such man cannot bring anything meaningful to the table. Rather, it’s going to be an invasion of Senator Aidoko’s fictitious achievement as recently outlined by his handlers.

Sir, your article “Who Will Dr Victor Adoji Represent In The Senate? Not Igala Land”, still published in Kogireports.com about a week ago was yet another low. In the first paragraph of the piece. Odih said and I quote; “We cannot get a good politician out of a man who sees politics as way of having worldly and personal connections and enrichment.” Sir, do I need to inform you that Dr. Victor Adoji is well to do? Of course no. But I implore you to do more research and your findings will justify the fact that you were been sarcastic in your writings. How can Dr. VAA possibly seek affluent when countless Igalas see him as the Messiah? An astute banker and business tycoon, whose intellectual capacity and global connections had given Kogi state a tremendous image. Again, Odih should have stated the obvious that Echocho who just sold out his last and only plaza in Abuja is seeking for personal connections and enrichment.

Sometimes I wonder what happen to our faculties of reasoning. How can Odih accused Dr. Victor who had been nick-named ‘DESTINY HELPER’ by the countless beneficiaries of his benevolent offering of seeking personal enrichment?

In terms of human development, Dr. Adoji has achieved an incomprehensive heights via;


Dr Victor Adoji’s youths and students foundation network; a social media platforms for over one thousand students that are currently been sponsored by him in the various Institutions of learning.


Thousands of youths particularly the less privileged and vulnerable youths have been empowered in various vocational skills. The widows are not left as Dr victor had salvaged countless of them including orphans from the traumatized state of losing their bread winner. I have lost count of women and men whose businesses Dr. Adoji generously lifted financially. Besides, Dr Adoji places more than a hundred of Kogites of Igala extraction on a monthly stipends of not less than ten thousand naira.


Dr. Adoji, though most time lament the poor outputs of Igala sons and daughters in terms of academic qualifications, but had help thousands in securing an unmerited jobs both in Zenith Bank and other financial institutions.

With Dr. Adoji’s connection, an Igala lady is currently working with CBN

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT; Dr Adoji has done pretty well in this perspective;

In 2016, (December precisely), Adoji chaired a ceremony titled “Laying stronger foundation for Dekina.” An occasion meant to develop the districts in which both Dr Adoji and Echocho hails from. While Echocho and GYB were absent, Dr. Adoji single handedly donated the sum of ten million Naira to Dekina housing project. Adoji had built churches, renovated Town Halls and many others across villages and towns in the confluence city.


Hospitals and various medical centers across Kogi state can attest to Dr Adoji’s intervention in paying medical bills for patients especially those involved in critical illness.

Dr. Adoji is a lover of peace. He has been using every means possible to unite Igala sons and daughters across the globe.

He is a lover of the gospel and above all, an instrument in God’s hand. He has matched his Devine call with God’s gift of abundance in a bid to create unity, love, peace and tolerance in the midst of humanity. His undiluted word of truth has helped curb the attitude of ME-MYSELF-AND I which had retrogressed developmental prospect in Igala land.

Furtherance to his Devine calling, Dr. Adoji has sponsored remarkable numbers of clergies and dedicated Christians on a holy pilgrimage


In 2017 alone, about 15 Igala Christians embarked in an all expenses paid trip to Jerusalem.

This is just a tip of iceberg. As Dr Adoji’s humane extends beyond Igala ethnicity.

Let me take a break as my ink calls for replacement. Until then,

Odih Daniel N sir, the fact that Dr Victor Adoji chose to describe himself as a work-in-progress in the hands of God shows his true Godly nature, and not the psychopathic judgement that he has not affect Igala people in any form. Besides, the holy book (proverb 16:18) says “pride goes before destruction. It also state (in Mathew 23:12; Luke 14:11) “He who humble himself will be exalted, and he who exalt himself shall be humbled.

In case you don’t know, achievement has a way of speaking for for the achiever. Hence, these primitive media appraisal imbibed by your paymaster (ECHOCHO) and GYB is totally off point.

Bill Gate of America who had just willed 75 percent of his wealth to the less privileged does not need media appraisal for his philanthropic gesture. Aliko Dangote; chairman, Dangote group who had given  out over $35 million never did. Jim Ovia, founder Zenith Bank plc, Tony Elumelu; Chairman Heirs Holding, Strive Masiyiwa; founder, Econet wireless and the late Chief MKO Abiola who won the famous June 12 and the most free and fair election in our Democratic history never addressed a press conference on their community achievement. Lagos State governor who is known for matching word with action has not spend a dime in organising a press conference.

Achievement speaks volume of the achiever and not the other way round.

Dr Victor Adoji could be best described as a star in the darkened skies.

A darkened skies of tribalism, nepotism, marginalisation, corruption and favoritism that had bedeviled our political system.

Through him, Kogi east Senatorial districts will experience sunshine again. Dr Victor Adoji is out to liberate our districts from few elites.

 Any fight against Dr. Adoji’s Senatorial ambition is a fight against God.

However, it will be justice right to say that the fight for a better Kogi Eastern Senatorial districts is a collective fight. What is worth doing is worth doing well. We cannot continue to live at the mercies of those who have been taking advantages of our gullibility to explore the limited resources to their selfish needs.

The adage; “If a mystery is to be unraveled, no stone should be left unturned. Hence, Echocho’s supporters remain our brothers and friends. But,

My stance;

Echocho and Victor should be brought forward for an open debate. Thus, ensure that each candidate present their mission and vision for Kogi Eastern Senatorial districts. Then and only then, would we have brigands removed from the position of power.


– John Paul


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